View Full Version : play sand
04-10-03, 06:06 AM
Hey guys....this is my first post, reall cool site by the way!
I need to change my substrate for my plated. I have used crushed walnuts, and found them really dusty. I am presently using coconut husk, i dont like it much and it needs to be changed. i was going to go with bone aid or something similar but i need a lot of it and it is really expensive here...
the local building supply store has play sand made by SHAW, is washed and has no salt. it is very fine, like sugar. My plated does tend to get a little bit of substrate in his mouth, i was just wondering if play sand would be a problem for impaction? Any suggestions or comments?
Atlantic, I HATE playsand as a substrate. I spent 15 years as a veterinary surgical tech and saw over 1300 bearded dragons die as a result of playsand impaction in just 5 years! I don't recall any plated lizards but they are not easy to find around here. Many other reptiles had trouble with playsand as well.
There is a type of impaction called chronic impaction that even most vets don't seem to know about. I was lucky enough to work with a bowel resection specialist and so learned more than I ever wanted to about chronic vs. acute. Everyone knows what an acute impaction is. Sand forms a clump somewhere in the gut which blocks off everything and the animal cannot pass it.
Chronic impaction is much harder to diagnose. It doesn't even show up on xrays but sometimes will on an ultrasound. It happens when sand grains cling to the walls of the intestines. These walls are not smooth like sausage casings, they are full of these little fingerlike projections called villi which absorb nutrients and help the food to move downstream. The sand often gets caught up in these villi and stays there. Over time, it builds up enough to block off the absorption of food and the animal slowly starves to death. For a bearded dragon, the average length of time is 5 years before symptoms of malnutrtition are seen. We didn't keep stats on other types of herps because we just didn't see the caseload that we did for bearded dragons. David, the bowel resection guy, has spent almost all of his career working on chronic impactions, in animals of all types. He's done surgery on elephants, ostriches, horses, parrots, reptiles, all sorts of creatures. He has a twisted sense of humor and says that the playsand industry is putting his kids through college and graduate school.
Sometimes if the sand buildup is severe enough, the underlying tissue cannot get enough blood supply and begins to die. Sepsis sets in and the animal dies of blood poisoning secondary to the sand impaction. This can happen very quickly and usually isn't treatable.
A quick test of chronic impaction risk is very easy. Wet your hand or foot and bury it in the sand you are considering using. If the sand clings and you cannot easily shake it off the same thing will happen in the gut. The finer the grains, the higher the risk.
I bought a 5 week old bearded dragon from a breeder who used to keep their hatchlings on playsand. Matisse was never seen to eat sand but was an average beardie, actively tongue-flicking and so probably picking up a fair bit of sand from time to time. Knowing what I do about chronic impactions, I asked my vet to do an epigastric lavage to flush all the sand out of the digestive tract. Here is the result:
<img src="">
I actually prefer coconut husk. It's the only substrate I've tested that passes the hydrochloric acid test for digestability. It dissolves completely when placed in a beaker of 5% HCl for 20 minutes . Bone aid is probably the worst thing you could use, it actually forms harder clumps as the calcium carbonate is an antacid so it doesn't allow for natural digestion to occur at all. It's much more likely to form an acute impaction than playsand.
04-11-03, 05:41 AM
thanks eyespy...
im in the medical feild, so i know exactly what you are talking about...thanks for the info!
how much does it cost to get a epigastric lavage done? and what's involved???? and is there any reason one shouldn't be done???
Costs vary widely! I haven't paid for one in about 10 years because I've worked with these vets since 1985 so you'd really have to call around. As with any invasive procedure, there is a lot of single-use sterile equipment, meds, and use of expensive instruments involved so it's not cheap.
An epigastric lavage is when they sedate the animal, use one of the spray "caines" anesthetics to numb the throat and then insert a stomach tube all the way through the stomach and into the entrance to the small intestine. A pressurized mix of gases, enzymatic detergents and sterile saline are pumped through for about 20 minutes and then the mixture is allowed to work for an hour to help loosen any debris trapped in the intestines. Afterwards a pressurized sterile saline rinse is done for at least 20 minutes. The animal is placed in a sterile plastic tub so the effluent can be caught for analysis if needed.
Yes, like any invasive procedure there are risks involved. The most common is an adverse reaction to the sedative or anesthetic, which can cause death in rare cases. I've only seen 9 animals die since 1985 so in my experience that risk is fairly small. The risk is dependent upon how well-versed the surgeon is at proper dosing so experience really counts in minimizing that risk.
Another major risk is a misplaced stomach tube. Since pressurized flushing is done, the tube cannot be in the stomach or it can hyperinflate and rupture which is a true surgical emergency. I've personally never seen this happen, but I've worked with surgical specialists who do epigastric or gastric lavage every single workday. An inexperienced vet could easily not insert the tube far enough. It's important to know the vet has done this before, and has proper sighting equipment such as an endoscope (gut camera) or fluoroscope (basically a live-action xray). This equipment does not come cheap and so costs can be quite high.
Another risk is the tube is inserted too far and causes damage to the villi. This risk is not much more serious than allowing the sand to remain in place but I'd still feel awful if my herp were not able to absorb nutrients because of a procedure I elected to have done.
The final problem is that beneficial gut flora such as fungi and bacteria that help to break down food are also flushed out and need to be replaced with supplements. Until balances are restored and any irritation from the tube has healed the animal will probably not feed well. It took Matisse 6 days to begin eating her normal piggish amount after we lavaged her.
04-11-03, 05:21 PM
Thanxs very much a really importand piece of informayino there!! i'll never buy playpit again..........
04-11-03, 05:48 PM
The only play sand I use is the fine stuff and it is only used for my kenyan sand boa.
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