View Full Version : Iguana help please!

04-09-03, 07:41 PM
Hey, as it turns out my long tailed was sick(as i shouldve known it was froma pet store). So i got my $$ back adn got a Spiny Tailed Iguana at a Reptile store. Can you guys give me some info, ill get a pic cuz i want to know what kind he is. thanks.

P.S.- if you can as soon as possible, everywhere i call has different answers and im confused!!!!!!!

04-09-03, 07:45 PM
While I am completely against you owning an iguana of any sort (any reptile, for that matter), as you obviously care more about money than the care of the animal (do you think they are going to pay for a vet at the store??), I have found some caresheets for you in hopes that you'll maybe use some information from it.
You should research an animal BEFORE you buy it.




04-09-03, 09:24 PM
I thought you knew better then to be an impulse buyer snakemann. :(

04-10-03, 09:16 AM
Zoe im not sure that was neccesary, but would you pay 10 for a lizard that is sick, and pay 60 to get him better?? I took him back the next day. I did read about them, i know their husbandry but I am confused on feeding. They were feeding him crickets etc. But others say veggies and fruits, so i am offerning him both.

04-10-03, 09:30 AM
but would you pay 10 for a lizard that is sick, and pay 60 to get him better??


Are reptiles (or pet for that matter) disposable animals? This kind of thinking drives me crazy! I have SO MANY chameleons that are dropped off here in various states of health, because people don't want to pay the vet bill. I got 4 within the last week. All have been taken to the vet now, some need meds, most are needing very specialized care daily to get them healthy again. Please PLEASE do not buy animals on impulse!


04-10-03, 12:29 PM
I agree that it is an animal, but I could see if I had gotten it a week or two ago, but i had it for 2 days. Can we please stop this subject and stay on the Spiny Tailed Iguana subject please? Anyone that owns them please tell me, and post some pics if possible.

04-10-03, 01:05 PM
I agree that it is an animal, but I could see if I had gotten it a week or two ago, but i had it for 2 days.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You shouldn't have gotten it in the first place! I'm sorry man, nothing gets me more upset than seeing people buy reptiles that can't care for them properly and this includes vet bills.

ill get a pic cuz i want to know what kind he is.

And here you are asking for help when you don't even know what kind of iguana you have! How are we supposed to offer advice and tips???!?!?!

All righty, back to the Spiny Tail issue then as per your request... have you read the links that Zoe posted? There is a lot of good info there and I would just be repeating it here. I do work with a male Spiny Tailed Iguana, he's about 3 feet long and nasty! He is in a 3'x3'x6' enclosure with UV and basking areas. He is fed primarily good leafy greens, some fruits and some dog food.


04-10-03, 01:29 PM
well snakemann you finally show your true colors.....after giving many lectures to many people about things you know nothing about, you went and made one of the biggest and ignorant mistakes possible. research, research, research. do all that stuff prior to getting any animal. and as to you regards about the retail value of the herp as oppsed to vet bills. i got my ball python for 95.00 and have spent 80.00 on vet bills alone. if you truly cared for that reptile you would have it treated, even if it were a 5.00 anole.
the best advice i can give you on the caresheet would be a google search, another thing you should have done prior.

04-10-03, 01:53 PM
Trace, I can care for him. I am just confused on feeding, so i started trying both, which he now takes both crickets, mealworms, and veggies. When I say what kind, i mean from what area, I am almost positive he is a Ctenosaura Similis. Trace do you have pics of him? And ballpython5000 im not even gonna reply to what you have said because you have no room for talking.

04-10-03, 01:53 PM
Trace, I can care for him. I am just confused on feeding, so i started trying both, which he now takes both crickets, mealworms, and veggies. When I say what kind, i mean from what area, I am almost positive he is a Ctenosaura Similis. Trace do you have pics of him? And ballpython5000 im not even gonna reply to what you have said because you have no room for talking.

04-10-03, 01:58 PM
hmmm, a double poster. are ya that desperate for your almighty post count?

04-10-03, 02:02 PM
snakemann, explain what you mean by i have no room for talking? well lets put it this way: i dont power post for respect, i dont buy burms when i have barely even tried a rtb, i dont lecture people about things i know nothing about, i dont pretend i know more then i actually do, i dont pretend im an expert, and im not an impulse buyer.
let me see....who fits that description that we know???

04-10-03, 02:40 PM
Well....this is starting to get interesting....
Snakemann, It is sad that you gave up on your LTGL so soon, Im sure that he could have recovered if you had given a s**t about it, but to you he was just 10 bucks, but would you pay 10 for a lizard that is sick, and pay 60 to get him better?? I took him back the next day. It may only be a 10 dollar lizard, but the money you saved could have easily gone towards the vet bill. If you had read up on these lizards, you would know that they are imported by the millions, and it is veerrry common for a wild caught lizard to be plagued with parasites.
Personally, I love my little grass lizard. He is a real character. I have seen him sleep tripoding off of a curtain.
As for going in to buy one thing and deciding to take it back and get another, like it is a walkman that doesnt work or something, I think that is ridiculous. I like how you brought the lizard home and still dont even know what it eats!
Anyways...Ive gone off and rambled on... Feel free to pm me if you feel what i said was wrong.

04-10-03, 02:57 PM
this is all getting very interesting.

But seriously Snakemann, I thought you did know better then to be an impulse buyer. Well, I guess that's why they have reptile rescues right?

04-10-03, 02:57 PM
Wow snakemann, that's an awful thing to say. When you buy a LIVING, BREATING, FEELING animal, you enter into an unwritten contract : YOU are this animal's owner, YOU are it's only chance for survival (even more so when you're going to send it back to a petstore!), this animal is 100% dependant on YOU (scary thought...). Therefore you have an OBLIGATION to pay for any fees that might arise! Would you stop buying food for a lizard if you discovered it actually needed to be eating something more expensive? (it wouldnt surprise me...)
If this lizard was so obviously sick, why did you go and buy it in the first place? Now you've killed it for sure, sending it back to the store, where it'll be starve, stress, or be eaten.
I think don't think my comment was necessary, but I do think it was warranted.

And I agree with bp5000... you seem to reply to any post to see your own name, and I hate to tell ya, but it doesn't make you seem smart, especially not after throwing a poor little helpless lizard away after 2 days because you stupidely bought something that was sick.

:( :( :( Sometime's I think you say these things to make us sad.


04-10-03, 03:06 PM
yeah snakemann, you are responsible for the death of that lizard. it will die soon, and you caused it.

04-10-03, 03:12 PM
Even if an animal was free I would pay out the bucks to take care of it.

04-10-03, 03:19 PM
good point lisa

04-10-03, 03:23 PM
And so many people got reamed for challenging Snakemann when he first got here. Sometimes it aint a flame, it's observation. ;)

04-10-03, 03:30 PM
OK, my turn.......

After getting chasticed for pointing out the facts known about snakemann87, it seems now it is alright for everyone to ream him for a commonly made mistake. What is the difference here? Because I came from another site to enlighten people to his lack of knowledge and the spewing of misinformation, I am not allowed to voice my opinion on what I know to be fact. But let him screw up in front of everyone here and it is open season on him.

Well, let me say one thing............I TOLD YOU SO!

But i digress......

He has made a mistake the 1000's of people make every year. Buying an animal without knowing the exact requirements for caring for it. It is done. Now is the time to pass along the info needed for him to care for it.

I would point out, that he does not take advice! You can tell you what he should do, buti it is better jsut to link him to a care sheet to save yourself the frustration of him doing it his own way anyway.

This is just my opinion, and as such is not intended to offend anyone.

04-10-03, 03:36 PM
I think most people have always agreed with you, but people can't be allowed to "flame" everyone all the time, I wouldn't take it personally. You can't really expect it to be accepted, if you come here just to tell us about why someone is bad etc.
Who knows, maybe this post will be deleted :|
Anyway, just because a thousand people buy on impulse and sell it off days later, I would think an avid member (15 posts a day, no less!) of ssnakess would know better than to do such a thing. And even if he NEEDED to do it, not to post in public that he had pretty much sentenced the poor lizard to death.

04-10-03, 03:52 PM
I'm gonna have to agree with Zoe here. How could someone with 970+ posts(in only 2 months time mind you) make such a newbie mistake? I mean, such an expert would not ever think of the cost of bills/feeding/housing, only the health and welfare of his herp.

Makes me wonder...

04-10-03, 04:05 PM
such an expert would not ever think of the cost of bills/feeding/housing, only the health and welfare of his herp.
I would hope that you think about the cost of bills/feeding/housing as well....But before you buy it! I see what you are trying to say though.How could someone with 970+ posts(in only 2 months time mind you) make such a newbie mistake?
AHAHAHA!!! how indeed.
Im guessing this is going to be a pretty active thread...

Hamster of Borg
04-10-03, 04:06 PM
I guess it just goes to show that number and/or frequency of posts means absolutely nothing about your amount of knowledge, just about your amount of spare time.

Anyway... most of the literature on spiny tailed iguanas states they are opportunistic feeders. Eating pretty much whatever they come across. Including their own kind. As youngsters they are primarily insectivores, and graduate up to consuming more vegetable matter as they get older, but almost everything says they'll eat pretty much whatever is readily available - which can be good or bad in captivity. I would probably stick with a typical iguanid diet, and offer insects or other stuff semi-regularily as treats. Watch the calcium amounts, and make sure lighting is good. Etc.


04-10-03, 04:10 PM
Originally posted by norman
I would hope that you think about the cost of bills/feeding/housing as well....But before you buy it! I see what you are trying to say though.

Ah, everyone knew what I meant. lol :D

04-10-03, 04:49 PM
Snakemann, I also live in PA and run a reptile rescue. Did you know that buying an animal that is sick and then returning it to the pet store knowing it is sick is against PA animal cruelty laws? You could be found guilty of abuse by negligence for not seeking veterinary attention for that animal and fined $1,000. If you lived closer to me I would turn you in to animal control as you display a very dangerous way of thinking in shopping for your pets.

So a $60 vet bill is nothing!

04-10-03, 05:03 PM
I hate swear, but:

I think the virtual rope has been slung over the tree limb and the knot tied! LOL

ummmm, Snakemann, I think it is time to look into Goldfish. It looks like you have pretty much alienated yourself from 2 sites that I know of. I realize that you are young and not experienced. But a few words of advice: when people give you advice, you may want to take the time to think about it.

04-10-03, 05:06 PM
Well everyone else has their $.02 in here so I'll contribute mine as well.

In my experience, the herp is the least expensive of the entire animal owning investment.

When contemplating the purchase of a new herp, you should AUTOMATICALLY calculate vet visits. Making a purchase and then dumping it when you find out it's health isn't perfect is cruel and displays an unethical person who doesn't care for animals at all!

Follow that by an impulse purchase of a HIGH CARE REQUIREMENT animal, and we have a perfect formula for idiocy!

Snakemann, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE ensure that the iguana you bought gets EXPENSIVE UVA AND UVB lighting; it is vital to their health. Those of us who run rescues for "throwaway" pets abhor your mentality! You can count on receiving plenty of flames from those who really care about animals and will lay down the $$$ to provide the necessary care. I am sad after reading your psots.

04-10-03, 05:33 PM
Originally posted by eyespy
You could be found guilty of abuse by negligence for not seeking veterinary attention for that animal and fined $1,000.

Wow, I thought that is was just the wrong thing to do, not illegal. That's pretty crazy. I bet the next time someone wants to bring back a herp just because it's sick they will think twice! For how many states does this law apply?

04-10-03, 06:18 PM
I would just like to add that your great and asome burm that you brag about all the time will eat 60$ worth of food every 2 weeks that is 120$ a month. I was the first to attack you and I was put down by every one after that I started defending you and now you do somthing like this. man you make me look like a idiot standing up for you that could of hurt my half decient rep and on a beter note I have put up to 200$ worth in my burm that was biten by a rat I learnd my lesson and payed formy mistake you baught a sick animal you learnd your lesson now you should have payed for your mistake and not run away from the consequences

any way I said what I needed to say

04-10-03, 07:15 PM
As far as I know, just PA. Our Department of Agriculture is very strict about contagious disease. The store would be fined up to $250,000 if it could be proved the animal was sick when it left the store, and any animals found to be sick or kept in in unsanitary or otherwise unsuitable habitats are confiscated. The store is responsible for the vet care of any animal which was sick at date of purchase but the animal is not to be returned where it can infect other animals in the store. Notices to this effect are required to be posted by the cash registers in all licensed pet stores.

It is illegal to return livestock AT ALL in PA, although some of the large chain stores which have a return policy in other states have gotten waivers on this. These laws were passed so that animals could not pick up a pathogen at someone's home and then be returned to the store where it will infect other animals. We still have a lot of problems with reptiles found in local pet stores, but mites, viral and bacterial infections are very rare in stores hereabouts.

Impulse purchase of a living thing is always wrong, so I don't feel that sorry for folks who impulse buy and then impulse return! Especially when he could have gotten vet care for free if he knew anything about keeping pets in Pennsylvania. All he had to do was read a notice while waiting to pay for the first iizard.

04-10-03, 07:19 PM
Wow, after reading this, snakemann must feel like a jerk. He didn't even have to return that lizard. He could of got FREE vet care! lol.

04-10-03, 08:04 PM
Ok, after all this crap I have went back out ot the store and bought him back. But would you buy a TV, computer, etc that was broken, then go pay for repairs(in no way am i trying to compare animals to material items). I know a living thing is different, but if you were to buy a snake from a breeder online, only to find it infested with mites, or sick wouldnt you want your moneys worth? I did research my iguana, I just wanted to clarify what food he eats. He isn't eating now, I'm not sure why, but all day he has veggies and fruits, then I leave in crickets for an hour or so at a time. He is in a 10 gallon, and soon to be a 55, which will be permanent unless his was labeled incorrectly. They said it was a Dwarf Spiny Tailed, but it really resembles a Ctenosaura similis. So i will have pictures soon. I really dont feel a need to go on anymore. Everyone has stated their opinion, and thats fine. But Zoe said, "I am against you owning an iguana(any reptile at that matter)." Even though you have no idea of how my snakes are housed and taken care of.

04-10-03, 08:10 PM
Oh, I have an idea. A good one.
It's my opinion that you aren't fit to take care of a living animal, that a live reptile can't depend on you to keep it alive. You proved me right.

And i can't believe you would compare a TV to a lizard! A tv is a hunk of metal, glass and wires! if it's busted, then it just gets taken apart and the parts re-used in other tvs. What happens to a little lizard when it dies? FLUSH! or CHOMP!

Well, I'm happy to hear you bought him back. Do you know what exactly is wrong with him?

04-10-03, 08:22 PM
wait.. you took back the ig now? Why not stick with your original idea, getting a Leopard gecko. I can tell ya everything you need to know to keep them and they are super easy to care for. Think about it.

04-10-03, 08:31 PM
no i didnt take it back. and zoe, do you READ THE FREAKIN POST, i said in no way am i comparing a living animal to a material item, GOD.

04-10-03, 08:47 PM
But would you buy a TV, computer, etc that was broken, then go pay for repairs
Sounds like a comparison to me! Surely, you didn't say it out of nowhere with no relevance to the problem at hand? Or do you normally talk about things that don't have to do with anything in the middle of a conversation?
Just because you SAY you weren't comparing, doesn't mean you weren't. THAT was a comparison. You were trying to justify selling a lizard back to a store because it was sick, by comparing it to a broken tv.

By the way, no need to get vulgar or type in caps. If you're so offended by what we're saying, perhaps you should give thought to listening to the advice you ask for.


04-10-03, 09:26 PM
I have no idea what a Spiny Tail Iguana goes for now, but I know the Long Tail Lizard you originally gought was about a $1.50 lizard. Were you just feening for another animal so bad that you could wait to get what you wanted?

04-11-03, 04:35 AM
you did the right thing snakemann.

04-11-03, 05:31 AM
Don't care what else is going on but I wanted to say:

My roomate has a Long Tailed Grass Lizard. It was free. But let me tell you, to her he is one of the most enjoyable pets she has. They are active, cute, easy to care for and fairly cheap to fed even if you do it better than properly like she does.

Also, he was free but we certainly got him the medical care he needs! Just something ya gotta do.

Besides, YOU were free. Does that mean your parents shouldn't dish out the medical costs of labor and health care? *LOL*

Enjoy your Grass lizard.

04-11-03, 08:22 AM
seems like you left the most important thing out Zoe.

04-11-03, 08:47 AM
But that statement is a Paradox Snakemann. You made a direct comparison, then rebutted it by the next statement. That is like saying "Drugs WILL KILL YOU!!!! (but I am in no way saying that drugs are bad for you)"

04-11-03, 09:05 AM
Very true BWSmith. This thread is starting to confuse me. Why did BP5000 say

you did the right thing snakemann.


04-11-03, 09:43 AM
cause he said he re-baught the lizard. Witch I think is a lie I would say the same thing if ppl were geting on my back because I returned an animal. Everybody will think he got it back so now ppl are gona say good job here is what you need to do and now ppl are wasting there knowlege to some one who dosent care cause they dont even have the animal. Dude you made a mistake the first time why would you set your self up to make another one. Now I know I know you are smater then that I would understand if it was somthing that was hard to come buy and you realy wanted it but you did not want to pay the vet bill and every body jumped so you desided to get it back and pay the vet bill but it is a LTGLwhy would you pay for it twice just to watch it die at home it dont make sence to me until I see a pic with you and the lizard i say it is still in the pet store with no heat $hity water and barly the appropriat food but that is just me.

I will tell you what i think you did. You baught the LTGL you were hapy with it until you saw the igy you wanted the igy but could not aford the whole new set up. You got ride of one of your animals but time was short you did not have time to post it for sale so you braught it back. It was perfect because pet stores are stupid when it comes to reptiles I know I worked in a few no one knows crap other then myself and a few others that were only part time. Any way you only hade it 1or2 days it was a perfict scam you just had to say it was a sick lizard, lets be realastic you do have a ball, boa and a burm if the pet store knows this they would have taken your word on the fackt it was sick. So they gave you your money back and apoligised all is good you got 1.50$ or 5.00$ back and now you have a empty cage.

I am shour the ppl here thaught of that but never thaught you would do that or just never thaught that a person would sink that low man you MAY be abel to care for what you own but dude you have reptiles for all the wrong reasons. To show off for braging rights, $$$ any of these reasons are the wrong ones and there are plenty more I am just to upset to think of any more depresing stuff. any way I hope that ppl dont think i was to harsh but it needed to be said and to all the breeders on ssnakess plz dont sell to snakeman87 for a few years let him learn from this mistake first. I was 14-17 b4 and I mad all the same mistakes as you I was smater thow I keped my mouth shut and my ears open and I learned man my very first snake died cause I over fed it and the cage was to cold I never brodcasted it on a public forum now I can cause i have learned a bunch of cool stuff since then I bet you there is a bunch of bad things about these ppl but they are smart they keep there mouth shut and ears open and they never stop learning. al was be carefule what you post and alwas think of what ppl are gona say to you after. any way I need to go and cool down I hope you get the help needed....

04-11-03, 12:37 PM
I was not trying to compare material items to animals, I was just using a comparison. I would really like to end this, cause im not so sure about you but im sure as hell i know i didnt buy a computer to be yelled and critisized by total strangers.

04-11-03, 12:47 PM
well then stop posting $hit that ppl dont like reading you have ben here long enuf to know what not to say and it is not the first time somthing like this hapens to you. Realy man dont start blaming us for loving the animals mor then you will ever know.

04-11-03, 01:07 PM
alright...here it is on the table:
1) i DO NOT agree with you impulse buying any reptile, let alone an iguana that has to have the proper balanced diet to survive.
2) DO NOT feed your iguana crickets. they have too much potassium and you want the lowest level of potassium for your iguana. feed it Colard Greens, Mustard Greens, Turnip Greens, Kale, mixed veggies(unsalted) and SOME fruits(but not many). i used the base food as Colard Greens for my iguana, and that seemed to balance the diet completely.
3) the wellbeing of your iguana is YOUR responsiblity now. you really should have researched more about it before you impulse bought it. that disappoints me snakeman. tsk tsk. but at least now hopefully you are realizing that it was mean of you to take back that sick creature and get a healthier, COMPLETELY DIFFERENT, species of reptile without any hesitation whatsoever. that was horrible of you...and hopefully you will learn from this mistake.

04-11-03, 01:34 PM
it is a Spiny Tailed, they are insecitivorious as babies.

04-11-03, 01:43 PM
i agree, you never did go get that lizard back did you? you just wanted to save what was left of your shattered rep, hey snakemann maybe a bit more power posting will gain your rep what you have just lost. and i also think that after getting a perfectly fine lizard you spotted a nice iguana you wanted, so saying it was sick was your only option. hmmm
meanwhile the animal adoption agencies in your area can patiently wait for your rtb, burm, and iguana to make their way to their facility. come on you are 14, you have college in a few years and you wont be able to afford all those herps at the rate you are getting them. how are you gonna find a place with a big ol 14 foot burm and a iguana that needs a 3x6x3 cage!!!
bring the iguana back or sell it. dont buy stuff on impulse, and stop getting way over your head in big herps.
just some good advice snakemann, take it.

04-11-03, 02:03 PM
I was not trying to compare material items to animals, I was just using a comparison
ummmm............................. LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!

it is a Spiny Tailed, they are insecitivorious as babies.
if ya knew, why did ya ask?

ok, I guess I will be mean for minute.

You are a walking paradox. You say whatever you need to say to make yourself look better but the problem is......... you are not consistant. You cannot even keep track of your own lies. Not just in this thread, but about everything I read from you. You are the pinnacle of an immature and irresposible reptile keeper. You have extremely limited experience, poor scruples, and (it appears to me) a lack of respect for herps and those experienced in keeping them. You seem to ask questions, then say the answers given are wrong. You ask advice, then do the opposite. You dispense advice about animals you never kept and probably never even touched. Basically, you seem to embody the bain of the herp community: an illeducated, immature, stubborn, know-it-all kid who has no real desire to better themselves or learn and is so eager to get something new, he doesn't care what it is.

Herps are not a "Flavor of the Month"

I know you are just a kid and I am sorry if your feelings are hurt. But such is life. If we were talking face to face, you would probably be clutching to your mom's leg crying your eyes out because I broke down. If anything is to be learned from this thread, it is that 1. Posts don't mean knowledge and 2. The most dangerous type of reptile keeper is amoung us. It is the type of herper I described above that gets laws passed to hurt us all and our hobby.

Good luck. Buy a plastic Fern. I'm done.

*stepping off soapbox*

04-11-03, 02:07 PM
Yeah, i'll prolly get a warning for flaming :)

04-11-03, 02:09 PM
Because I didn't know when i asked, I was told insects by a few pet stores, then plants from another, so i asked to clarify, but i did more research and found as babies they are insectivorious, although he isnt eating right now. It looks like he takes some vegitation but not a whole lot.

04-11-03, 02:10 PM
probably not, its all true.

04-11-03, 02:14 PM
no, I'm not gonna "flame" anymore, its not worth it over the internet. YOu guys have opinions, nothing i can do about it.

04-11-03, 02:18 PM
uuuhhhhhh......... you were not flaming. Do you know what it means?

04-11-03, 02:23 PM
Originally posted by BWSmith
ummmm............................. LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!

if ya knew, why did ya ask?

ok, I guess I will be mean for minute.

You are a walking paradox. You say whatever you need to say to make yourself look better but the problem is......... you are not consistant. You cannot even keep track of your own lies. Not just in this thread, but about everything I read from you. You are the pinnacle of an immature and irresposible reptile keeper. You have extremely limited experience, poor scruples, and (it appears to me) a lack of respect for herps and those experienced in keeping them. You seem to ask questions, then say the answers given are wrong. You ask advice, then do the opposite. You dispense advice about animals you never kept and probably never even touched. Basically, you seem to embody the bain of the herp community: an illeducated, immature, stubborn, know-it-all kid who has no real desire to better themselves or learn and is so eager to get something new, he doesn't care what it is.

Herps are not a "Flavor of the Month"

I know you are just a kid and I am sorry if your feelings are hurt. But such is life. If we were talking face to face, you would probably be clutching to your mom's leg crying your eyes out because I broke down. If anything is to be learned from this thread, it is that 1. Posts don't mean knowledge and 2. The most dangerous type of reptile keeper is amoung us. It is the type of herper I described above that gets laws passed to hurt us all and our hobby.

Good luck. Buy a plastic Fern. I'm done.

*stepping off soapbox*

Well said BWSmith

04-11-03, 02:24 PM
*** Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913) ***
Flaming \Flam"ing\, a.
1. Emitting flames; afire; blazing; consuming; illuminating.
2. Of the color of flame; high-colored; brilliant; dazzling.
``In flaming yellow bright.'' --Prior.
3. Ardent; passionate; burning with zeal; irrepressibly
earnest; as, a flaming proclomation or harangue.

04-11-03, 02:29 PM
oh, sorry. When you said that i thought you ment a warning from me and i figured flaming ment yelling in the way you used it.

04-11-03, 02:33 PM
no, I'm not gonna "flame" anymore, its not worth it over the internet

then why are you so desperate to gain everyone's respect? it became very apparent you feel the need to gain online respect when you power posted to the point of 35 posts per day.
stop being such an immature herper, get what you can care for till the end of its life. dont just get big herps like burm and iguanas so you can show off and look cool.
now seriosly, did you go back and get that lizard? or are you BSin so you wont be harassed anymore?

04-11-03, 02:37 PM
I'll gladly donate my "Billy Bass" (http://www.gemmy.com/BillyMainFrame2.htm) to SM87, with batteries!

04-11-03, 02:40 PM
no Im not BSin, im not trying to get big herps, why would i have a ball python and a spiny tailed iguana and a longtail grass lizard? Im not trying to gain respect by power posting i never even intended on power posting. I just posted often when i first joined, in no way am i saying im experience due to my number of posts i have.

04-11-03, 02:41 PM
You said:

"YOu guys have opinions, nothing i can do about it"

This is NOT the point! You are buying animals, finding out they take vet care, then returning them. This IS NOT AN OPINION, ITS A FACT THAT IS IT WRONG. PERIOD.

I am sorry but the bottom line here is....and forget all this argueing and fighting...the BOTTOM LINE is you don't buy animals and return them because you don't want to take it to a vet. YOU JUST DON'T. It's not right. And its not o.k. This is fact, not opinion.

And you don't purchase things without researching. Sure it happens. But the vet care? NO EXCUSE. It should have been at a vet right away. THEN AFTER a vet visit you can return to the pet store you purchased it from and complain.

But the LIZARD SHOULD NOT HAVE TO PAY FOR THE PET STORES MISTAKES. Which is exactly what you made him do. The little lizard got returned for being sick when it was a humans fault. He should have been at the vet, THEN you deal with your money problems with the pet store. Period. Animals health #1 not worrying over a refund.


04-11-03, 02:42 PM
Yes BW, that's what I meant. I could say "Ssnakess.com is not on the internet". Just because I say that, doesn't make it true.

By the way, I also you believe you lied about buying back the lizard.

04-11-03, 02:45 PM
believe what you want. When I got all my snakes, the first thing i did was take them all to a vet.

04-11-03, 02:56 PM
im not trying to get big herps
Oops, I guess we forgot that burms only grow 5 feet and that boas only grow 3 feet.

Look, NO ONE believes you anymore. You've lost any shred of respect you ever had. Doesn't the fact that everyone is getting after you mean anything to you? And that isn't even the point! You can be stupid, immature, stubborn and ignorant all you want, for the next few years it'll be your parents' problem. but you CANT ACT THAT WAY AROUND A LIVING BEING!!!!! It isn't good, it isn't okay, it isn't even acceptable, and any decent, intelligent person can see that.

What bugs me most, is after all of these posts (many of which were very insightful and intelligent) you still believe that you did is okay. Either you're too dumb, or too stubborn to see the mistakes you've made! And you've made them, and been "flamed" for them, so many times I've lost count. Why don't you just admit defeat, take our advice and care for your herps PROPERLY, spending all the $$ required (which is something you must agree to do before even thinking about buying a live animal!), OR just give up keeping herps altogether.

Personally, I wouldn't trust you to care for a guppie, which is pathetic because I could trust my 7yr old cousin to.


04-11-03, 02:58 PM
Well, I see alot has happened while I was away. First, let me say I was NOT surprised at ALl by what SM did. When he got his burm, he stated that he bought a normal at a reptile show, then some people offered him $200 for it. After someone else told him it was an indian python, he sold it to those people, and then went back and bought the labyrinth he has now. That is HIS story. I cannot see anyone at a reptile show, where normal burms are $80, buying the one he had for $200. He got the first one, he didn't like it for whatever reason, so he got rid of it and bought the lab. after weeks of asking advice from experienced burm keepers who advised him he was not ready for a burm. So, am I surprised? No, it just fits in with everything else I know about him. And he made a comment on a rescue post here once, that said he would be glad when he was able to do rescues. SORRY..........rescues are NOT cheap. They are usually sick, dehydrated, starved, chewed on, etc. Not something I think you'd make the investment of necessary vet bills on. When the snakes you have become ill, or you get tired of them, there are plenty of us who ARE committed to these animals that we will be GLAD to pay for their health care and recovery. I have 4 snakes here, a 10ft+ burm, a 7ft burm, a 6ft BCi, and a 5.5ft BCI/BCO cross, that were all rescues and adopted by me. not all were sick, not all were in bad shale, but the BCI had to go to the vet IMMEDIATELY, and it was thought she may even need surgery. FREE?? Absolutely NOT. If you can't handle a $50-$60 vet bill, do your snakes a favor, and get them to a rescue now, before it they have a chance to get sick to start with. Speaking of sick, that is exaclty what your attitude makes me. SICK

04-11-03, 03:08 PM
OUCH! got you there.

04-11-03, 03:14 PM
no i just didnt want to reply but just to varify he was a indian X burm cross and very ight at that. So they offered me 200 and i said no until i found out it was a cross, i was interested in a full burm.

04-11-03, 03:45 PM
It looks to me like you are quite fond of disposing of herps, snakenann87.
Here are some quotes from a few of your old posts:

"Congrats, I had a corn snake before, but.....um........it got kinda boring, no offense. He was an amelanistic corn."

"awww, lol, reminds me of my old iguana, they can have such personalitys"

"ok, i have kept two green iguanas"

So, you are 14 and have already disposed of 5 herps? (The 3 above, your 1rst burm and now this new iguana?) Thats pretty weak.

04-11-03, 03:46 PM
Sure, sure, whatever. Same difference, trading animals lie baseball cards, only to alot of people, baseball cards ar emore important. They care more for their cards than you seem to care for an animal's well-being.

04-11-03, 03:52 PM
you guys can go on and on(which is quite sad since most of you are adults)and it will not affect me in any way. I have thought about it and realized i was wrong which is why i re-purchased it.

04-11-03, 04:14 PM
you guys can go on and on(which is quite sad since most of you are adults)and it will not affect me in any way. The fact that it will not affect you is what i find so frustrating.

04-11-03, 04:27 PM
you guys can go on and on(which is quite sad since most of you are adults)and it will not affect me in any way
If I had the means, I would remove your animals to good homes and trade you to Gypsies for some Magic Beans.

04-11-03, 04:29 PM
you guys can go on and on(which is quite sad since most of you are adults)and it will not affect me in any way.

It saddens me that you would say such a thing. We aren't attacking you for no reason, we're trying to make you see that what you're doing is wrong. And it's not as though this is your first post and you were just a newbie and didn't know what you were doing, in which case it could be somewhat understandable.

It SHOULD affect you. If it doesn't, you have a problem. We aren't INSULTING you, we're stating facts and trying to help you become a better herper. The fact that you can't see that just makes you stubborn and ingrateful.

04-11-03, 05:19 PM
my turn my turn!!!!
i just like 2 say that i am also 14, and when ever i get a new herp i always RESEARCH, RESEARCH, RESEARCH!!!! ive had sick herps in the past and i have always in all of my power 2 make them better and live them to their last day. I hope that this has afected u in that so many people have tried 2 make u see that you r wrong, and also thank u andrea for the quotes becase i think its sad that u hav discarded so many previous herps!!!! :(

04-11-03, 05:22 PM
You really are not what the reptile community needs. Sorry to say that. I don't like internet argueing but you are really giving herpers a bad name.

I hope you keep your unfortunate mistakes, horrible ethics and disgusting thoughts on buying and selling herps in private from now on, you'll end up embarassing the rest of us who actually PAY for our animals care, food and vet visits and don't get rid of something when it becomes "boring" like you called your corn.


04-11-03, 06:27 PM
Originally posted by BWSmith
If I had the means, I would remove your animals to good homes and trade you to Gypsies for some Magic Beans.

Haha, that was great BWSmith! Anyways snakemann, I hear that you keep you ball in a tiny rubbermaid container that even YOU stated was not good enough. I hear it was in a nice big cage until you got your lab, then you took your big ball out and put the lab in the BIG cage(which at it's size, it didn't need). So you threw your ball out of the big cage(which it needed) because you got something "new". Why would you put your poor ball python through that?

It's sickens me *vomits*:toilet:

04-11-03, 07:54 PM
zoe, you said your trying to help me become a better herper??????????????!!!! I wouldnt call saying i shouldnt own any herps helping would you?

04-11-03, 07:56 PM
leo-land??? a tiny rubbermaid. He is in a 50 gallon tote, how is that not good enough. I said it isnt good enough for my means because I cant view him like i can my other herps. Please make sure you know what your saying before you say it.

04-11-03, 08:17 PM
Unfortunately, snakemann, you don't seem to accept help and advice very graciously, and since I think the reptile is more important than you having a cool pet, I don't believe you should keep any reptiles, not acting as you do, anyway.

04-11-03, 09:36 PM
I have had many differences with you Snakeman in the past and have disagreed with many, if not all that u have posted..

This here just re-enforces my thoughts towards you .. It has always been my oppinion that u are detremental to the site and the reptile hobby .. feel lucky others moderators feel differently.

On a personal note..

Your actions discust me .. I hope one day, something will smack you behind the head (hopefully a shovel) and knock some sense into you .. This really saddens me..

I really am pissed now.. reading this $hit really ruins my day...

04-11-03, 09:42 PM
OMG I would pay sixty for an animal any day I paid 74 bucks for a gecko that wasnt even mine becouse a freinds parents didnt want to pay

04-11-03, 10:21 PM
Ha! I know what you mean Pres. Nix. I adopted my first real reptile pet, my green iguana and within 4 months she had a 500 dollar vet visit.

That was a real welcomer to the herp world. But she is sleeping peacfully downstairs, healthy as ever and that's what matters.


04-11-03, 10:27 PM

oops. did I post that?

Tim and Julie B
04-11-03, 10:28 PM
BWSmith, well put!!!!!!!Well I know I'm still very new here, and I'm not really up to speed on what snakeman has or has not said, but I hope that he and others take the advice that they've been given and use it wisely, but I also don't want people to refrain from asking questions when they need to, Is that not what this forum is for? I have had reptiles for only 4 years or so, and I read my a** of before I even got one, and it was Tim who got me my first leo cause I still wasn't sure that I could take care of even one, turns out I have a yellow thumb after all, but I've also learned a lot from many of you about species I'd like to have but am still learning about. And I'm sure I will continue to pester a great deal of you with questions so that I can learn even more, but I also only post information that I'm sure of, researched and consulted others about, and almost always make it clear that the info is in my judgement and personal experience. Why post crappy information?!!!! So snakeman good kuck with the spiny tail-they are time consuming as are most other iguanas but LOL and read something before everyone here explodes from anxiety!Julie.

04-11-03, 10:52 PM
BWSmith you are a bad bad man.



Shane Tesser
04-11-03, 11:23 PM
Ok guys, im closing this thread... Snakeman... I have done my best to give you a chance to learn but you dont seem to want to learn or dont want to take advise... Im not sure which of the 2 it is... Im not going to continue to have to defend you either and have negativity circulating in the forums... We all start somewhere and these forums are for learning but there comes a point when its justn ot working so to speak... Maybe you should think about making some changes, because its obvious people aren't to fond of you as is, and if you continue like this, i dont see it getting any better.. for you and your animals sake. On the flip side, personal attacks ARE NOT allowed here (tsk Dom) and if you dont agree with what someone is typing or responding with there is a IGNORE feature in the profile section... Use it.

PS.. this is Jeff, im at shanes... LOL