View Full Version : Snakehut Modular Cages (Victor's New Cage)

04-09-03, 05:47 AM
Here it is, the new Snakehut Modular 4x2x18 that just arrived for Victor the Constrictor...............
The Box:
The Pieces:
Paritally Assembled:
Voila... a cage:
All ready to go:

I will apologize in advance to Wes at Snakehut for not giving a 100% glowing report :D
Wes was nice and easy to deal with. The cage had a minor delay in getting out, but no big deal.
This cage is a prototype so any flaws that I came across may be worked out in future cages......
No directions came with the cage but if you are careful and look closely at the pieces assembly is pretty much self explanatory. I did had to drill a couple of holes out to help in the alignment of the holes to get the screws through and some of the panels did not quite line up perfectly, but once again this is a prototype. I do have a couple of concerns with the cage.... the screws shipped with the cage are stainless steel. I would prefer the nylon (plastic) screws that can be purchased at the hardware store to prevent rusint and injury to the snake. I would also recommend, as Wes did, to seal all the seams with silicone prior using the cage. What is really cool about the deisgn of these cages is that cages can be bolted together to create longer ones in the future.

Overall this is a great cage for the money and I would recommend them to anyone out there looking for an inexpensive caging solution that has the ability to grow with your snakes.
At $240 for a 2x2x18 AND a 4x2x18 including shipping you can not go wrong!!!!

04-09-03, 06:07 AM
nice, looks relatively simple to build.

Big Mike
04-09-03, 08:30 AM
Is is made from plastic or sheet metal?

04-09-03, 08:40 AM
It's made from 3/16" thick ABS Plastic.

04-09-03, 06:36 PM
Cool do it yourself cage in a box.


04-09-03, 08:02 PM
Looks pretty cool. Not so sure about low cost but it's certainly easy and quick assembly. looks like it's relitively light too. Do you have contact information for the snakehut?