View Full Version : should i do something?

04-08-03, 07:12 PM
ok....should i be worried about feeding my juvi live pinkies?well...no alive alive....i flick it n the head.....but it still moves around.....should i flick it hard?

04-08-03, 07:16 PM
Live pinkies are ok, but please please please get it used to eating pre killed or thawed mice because there will bbe problems later otherwise.

04-08-03, 07:58 PM
Do not worry about it.


04-08-03, 08:06 PM
If you are worried about it, just kill the pinkies first. Don't bother flicking their heads if it's just injuring them. They are NO threat to your snake so you are just causing the poor little mice more pain.

(It wouldn't be until they were fuzzy or even hopper mice that you may have to worry about it.) :)

04-08-03, 08:29 PM
Ha ha Killer Pinkies?


04-08-03, 08:30 PM
A hard snap to the back of the head is sufficient to cause loss of consciousness in a pinky mouse, but they will continue to kick due to reflex nerve stimulation. The snap should be hard enough to show a dark bruise within a few seconds, but not so hard that you actually crush the skull. Pinkies will kick for a long time even with extremely severe brain damage.

You might want to get your snake used to feeding on thawed pinkies sooner rather than later or they can become used to live or fresh killed and they are harder to convert to frozen/thawed later in life. Once the snake is taking more than one pinky for a meal, try offering a fresh killed first and then thawed ones (warmed up) once the snake has taken the first one and is still in feeding mode. Easier to convert them to thawed when the snake is young,

mary v.

04-09-03, 06:04 AM
ive been doing thawed ones also....so i guess i will keep doing them and kinda move away from live......thanks for the reply's