View Full Version : where do you get your tanks from?

04-08-03, 03:03 PM
Do most of you know a way to get tanks at a cheaper $ than what stores sell them for? Am I being too picky when I say that I want a great large tank but I don't want to pay top $, and I don't have the ability to build my own? Where do you resort to getting your tanks for your snakes?

04-08-03, 03:05 PM
Because i don't let others to take me for a fool and pay 5 times up for what i can build my own, 7 years now that i keep herps, all the tanks are coming from...my hands :)

04-08-03, 03:48 PM
home depot!!! all of it comes from home depot. wood, screws, sand paper, ect. except for the 2 aquariums, i got those from pet shops cause they were cheaper then building them of equal size.

04-08-03, 04:32 PM
Comes from Walmart.......rubbermaid.


04-08-03, 07:28 PM
Hear in Nova Scotia we have a thing called the Bargin Hunter, it has lots of them in there.


04-09-03, 06:00 AM
I am in the process of building a 6x2x2 of my own out of wood and plywood. I opted to build for that size cage becuase I wanted something that looked nice and shipping was going to be way too much on a cage that big. For smaller cages like a 4x2x2 I would recommend Snakehut. Very well priced and he seems to build a great cage. Maybe not as nice as the Boaphlies or some of the others out there but worth every penny though. Here is a link to a post I just put up on my new Snakehut Modular Cage......

04-09-03, 10:44 AM
IMHO only desert species and fish fare well in tanks, and any other species should be housed in alternate enclosures. I house all mine in rubbermaid until they are 6.5" feet, anything larger goes intoa custom enclosure. Reasons for this is that it is virtually impossible to maintain any adequate humidity levels while allowing good ventilation. That being said, The only tanks I have are ones that were given to me, or came with the animal... with the exclusion of a few that I purchased used for a great price (these were not intended for reptiles, I use them for crix and spiny mice ;)) Something to think about, tanks get very pricey with increasing size. There are many manufacturers of reptile caging in the states, as well as many custom builders as well. Even though you may not have the mean to build one yourself, there are still other people that can for a fair price ;)

04-09-03, 05:26 PM
We have gotten our tanks from pet stores when they're on sale or when we required them. also we've had a few given to us.

04-09-03, 08:20 PM
My boss and I build all of my enclosures at work. Fortunately I work at a big office building where they are always remodeling something and we get all kinds of good leftovers to build with.

06-03-03, 10:43 AM
If you want glass tanks, you can always try a goodwill or yard sale. You can get them pretty cheep sometimes that way.

Other then that i would say rubbermaid would be better.
And much cheeper.

06-03-03, 10:55 AM
Well because I have connections at the pet store. I get HUGE discounts. Other than that, second hand stores, hock shops, antique stores and garage sales.

But I would REALLY like to build my own, which I will be doing this summer! :)


06-03-03, 01:57 PM
I'm not ashamed to admit to flea-marketing, garage sales and dumpster diving to get some of my enclosures. I agree with Linds and don't care for glass for most reptiles. I do keep my garter and ribbon snakes in 20 or 29 gallon aquariums just because they are so active and more fun to watch. Lots of folks get rid of aquariums because the seals are shot and they leak but that's okay for herps. You can also look out for old furniture that you might be able to convert.

Most of my animals are in Rubbermaids, Reptile Ranches or homemade enclosures.

Other cages are converted melamine kitchen cabinets or other large "boxy" furniture. I get my brother or some other power tool crazed guy to cut out holes for the electrical cords and for ventilation grills. Slip in some grommets so snakes can't slither along the cords and escape. Buy some Minwax sealant (water-based polyurethane) and let everything air out at least a couple of weeks so there are no more fumes outgassing.

We take off the doors and put in tracks for sliding glass fronts. All our conversion materials some from either Home Depot or Walmart or Dollar Tree.

I'm beginning to think that a hope chest or blanket box laid on one side so the opening is in front might be another good idea for converting but I haven't examined them carefully enough yet. Anyhow I'm running out of room to try new caging options. :D

Herp guy
06-03-03, 02:04 PM
I go to garage sales, i sometimes dumpster dive(hey, i found a working portable generator and a radio once**) flea markets pawn shops, pet stores, i like malwart cause a 10 gallon cage cost about 7.00 there. People i know. Newspaper ads. The pet store has a bulliten board. thats about all. oh wait ive made a few of my own.

06-03-03, 05:04 PM
if you really want tanks the best place is called BIG ALS AQUARIUM SERVICES i know they have some locations in the states, but making enclosures is cheaper than tanks you can get everything at home depot. you can make 2 4x2x18" out of 2 sheets of melamine cheaper than you can get a tank and lid, then all you need is glass at thats cheap

06-03-03, 05:39 PM
try uniquexotic cutom cage building e-mail them at euniquexotic@aol.com they build custom cages they built me a great terium. You get to decide everything so in a way you are building it without actually doing work.

Chris Steele
06-04-03, 09:32 PM
haha, herpguy, I hope the radio is fun.

I have made a few cages. Cages are relatively cheap to make...I made a 5x2x3 cage pretty cheap, an aquarium that big would cost a fortune. I guess if your not able to build your own then you could have someone make you one, get rubbermaid, or go to yardsells and stuff like that.