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04-08-03, 12:55 PM
How long until leopard eggs hatch??

04-08-03, 01:03 PM
1 and a half for boys and 3 for girls. But it only takes a shortr time 4 males cuz the temperature is higher. Check out a care sheet like: www.dansgeckos.com

04-08-03, 01:14 PM
Um don't click that link, pop-up city almost crashed my comp. Nicola what measurement of time are you referring to?

04-08-03, 01:34 PM
oppppssss!!!!! really sorry there i didnt no. didnt mean to cause any trouble.

Leo Lover
04-08-03, 02:37 PM
Leopard Gecko eggs will hatch anywhere between 30-70 some days. It depends on what sex you are incubating for. I am incubating my eggs for female and the very first clutch is 50-some days old and still incubating, but hoping that it hatches soon! Should be any day now.

Males are usually a shorter period of time, about 30 days or so. Females should be anywhere between 50-70. I have heard very few that peoples eggs have hatched in 70 days, but its more 50 and 60 :)

Let us know when they hatch!

Tim and Julie B
04-09-03, 01:35 AM
The length of time will vary depending on humidity and temperature of your incubater. 80-83 degrees usually takes 60-65 days, 84-86 degrees usually takes 50-60 days, and 87-90 degrees usually takes 45-50 days. If your temperature changes often or if your humidity is too high it may take longer, and it can also cause the babies in the eggs to die. I have learned all this through experience with breeding my own leos, but I'm sure other people have different opinions based on their experiences too. Hope this helps.

04-11-03, 08:42 AM
I read a website that said determining sex through temp is only during the first couple weeks. For example, if you want females, set the incubator at 80 for the first two weeks and then crank it up to 85 for the remainder so they hatch faster. Is this true has anyone tried that?