View Full Version : Red lights

04-07-03, 03:01 PM
Can anyone confirm/tell me when I put a RED light (like a disco-lamp) in my cage for my boa with a thermostat to keep the tempature during the night at least 22 degrees celcius, this is ok?

i hear a lot of people saying they have red light in their cage during the night to watch their snake, so i was wondering is a red lamp like 60 Watt good for heating up the cage during the night?


ps. i already searched for "keramic lamps", those that are being used for breeding, but those are so expensive and they are too heavy for my cage..besides i can't build any "fence" around the lamp because the cage isnt that high (only 70 centimeters / about 25 inches)

04-07-03, 03:46 PM
I use red lights everywhere in my cages.. I have never had any problems.. great source of heat .. my aniamls are doing great and are breeding as well..

04-07-03, 09:05 PM
I see no problem with it, but The room I keep my snakes in is on timers and the room stays warm enough at night.
