View Full Version : Columbian Rainbow Question

Sir Hiss
04-06-03, 09:08 PM
I just have one quick question about Columbian Rainbow Boas: How big can I expect one to get when it is full grown? I would like a snake that would stay under 6ft. What are my chances with this one doing that? Thier "average size" has a wide range in all of the things I have read on them. Thanks for Reading.

04-06-03, 09:12 PM
A CRB will definitely stay under 6ft. My female is about 4.5 feet, and that's normal. My male is over 5ft, and he's considered big for a CRB.

Also, this post should go in the Epicrates forum :D More rainbow boa experts there :]


Sir Hiss
04-07-03, 02:40 PM
Thanks for your reply.