View Full Version : Pic of 2 gaboonXrhinos and ond pure gaboon

Gregg M
04-06-03, 09:51 AM

Tim and Julie B
04-06-03, 09:56 AM
Sweet I generally don't like crosses but how can you not like that! What an interesting varity in color. I like the middle one, so beautiful and for a HOT species they are a great one to manage.

Gregg M
04-06-03, 10:00 AM
I am not a big fan of crosses neither....... I keep the gaboon rhino crosses because it is a natural cross that happens in the wild....... I do not like the corn and king crosses....... They need to be tricked into breeding...... If they crossed paths in the wild the corn snake would be lunch........

Tim and Julie B
04-06-03, 10:12 AM
I didn't know it happened in the wild. It makes since though. They are so closely related and share the same range. I'm not very up on my venomous species facts (or id apperantly). But I have friends that have them. When he told me he bought a Rhino I thought he was crazy. But after being around them I really like them they're probably one of the most beautiful snakes and mellow (unlike some peoples Cobras). Heck I'ld rather be around a Rhino then a Scub python!!!

Gregg M
04-06-03, 10:21 AM
Yeah they are sweet...... Rhinos can be a bit more agrressive than gaboons though...... And the crosses are mixture of the two....... And the puffs are absolutly crazy...... But all three bitis are more passive than most cobras I have had...... One really cool thing about the gaboon rhino crosses is that they are not infertile and can have healthy offsping...... The pics of the snakes you see are 2nd generation crosses...... Both of their parents are crosses....... Pretty cool right.....

Tim and Julie B
04-06-03, 11:32 AM
Yes i like them very much! Not infertile? 2nd gen? Wow very cool! I can't honestly believe Gaboons are less aggressive. Does that mean they never move. Because I can't imagine another venomous snake more mellow then my friends Rhino! It's practicaly comatose! Please forgive this question but which one is the true Gaboon? Let me guess it's the one I liked right! no arrow on the head! I am sorry but I've only seen one once a long time ago. No wait it's the far one. Different banding!

Gregg M
04-06-03, 04:06 PM
The one on the top is the pure gaboon....... Rhinos can be alittle pissy when disturbed....... Alot more than a gaboon...... Gaboons are way more passive....... I know its hard to believe but it is true...... LOL........ The thing that makes keeping gaboons so dangerous is the fact that it can lure you into thinking it will never try to bite........ But given the chance, they will........

04-06-03, 06:24 PM
Very nice pair.


Tim and Julie B
04-06-03, 10:54 PM
Cool snakes thank you for answering all my questions...Tim.

Gregg M
04-07-03, 07:17 AM
Any time Tim...

04-09-03, 04:19 PM
Nice looking snakes, love the head shape on them.

04-13-03, 10:55 AM
they have a great pattern :) keep t he photos coming :D

04-25-03, 07:01 PM
Nice colour and pattern