View Full Version : Spilotes "PICS" ...

Simon R. Sansom
04-05-03, 01:38 PM

I'm just testing to see if I'm able to post multiple pics with my webtv system.
These are a couple of pics of my male Tiger Rat Snake (Spilotes pullatus).
I really enjoy having these guys. They are nowhere near as aggressive as I had expected them to be. They are captive-bred, though, so that's most likely the reason for their relative tractability. They're still no Corn Snake, though, LOL!



Thanks for taking the time to check out the pics.


Tim and Julie B
04-05-03, 01:43 PM
I love this species! Not to sound like Steve Irwin but Their Gorgeous! Those are incredable. Maybe I should have bought some when I had ths chance. I used to have red taileds are they as nippy? Wow maybe I should get into rat snakes again! Tim

Simon R. Sansom
04-05-03, 02:35 PM
Hi, Tim and Julie,
A friend of mine had some Red-Tailed Green Rats (Gonyosoma) which were beautiful, but absolutely miserable with regards to temperament (they were wild-caught, though). My Spilotes tend to be nervous and fast-moving, although as I've previously stated, they are not as bad as I thought they'd be!
They do rattle their tails quite a bit, and occasionally posture, but I have not been bitten...YET.
Once they're in hand, they become quite agreeable.



04-05-03, 06:42 PM
I like the patterns of you rat snake.


04-06-03, 12:20 AM
Simon nice spilotes? Those guys always look thin to me. Are they racer like?

How was your friend able to acclimate their Gonyosomas? I hear they die very easily.

Simon R. Sansom
04-06-03, 03:08 AM
Hi Katt,
Thanks for the kind words!
I feel that Spilotes tends to be a fairly slender snake with a triangular body cross-section which I think can make them look very thin in pictures taken from certain angles.
Some adults I've seen were a bit chunkier-appearing than youngsters, but were still slender, lightly-built animals in relation to their length.
As to being Racer-like; Absolutely! As a matter of fact, after actually owning some, I find it very difficult to refer to them as a "Rat Snake" at all. They are far more active, and "athletic" if I may use that term. They have huge, liquid-brown eyes and are excedingly alert and watchful animals. My female, who is a picky feeder and prefers live mice to anything else, does not constrict her prey, instead she grabs them by the head from the front so that the muzzle and face of the mouse are well in her mouth and she just hangs on until the mouse ceases struggling. It's a very strange way to kill your prey (and a bit disconcerting from the keeper's point of view). I assume that wild Spilotes must be at great risk from damage from their prey. However, some folks have mentioned to me that Spilote s DO constrict. I'm not going to disagree with them because I know that when handled they can grip your arm very tightly, so they do have the potential. I consider them more like a slender cousin of the Indigo Snakes and Cribos.
My friend was able to get his Gonyosoma acclimated and feeding. He had a green one and one of the greyish ones. One eventually died
and I think he sold the other rather than have just a single to try and pair up again.
I'd really like to try some captive-bred ones one day.


Tim and Julie B
04-06-03, 11:48 AM
hey Simon wierd, very weird! About 5 min. after talking on the forum my friend phoned me and asked if I wanted a pair! Weird! I don't know if I am going to because he doesn't know if they're wild caught which they probably are(I don't like buying wc ). So I don't know if it is worth it but I am getting them for an outstanding credit so i wonder if it's worth the risk? Any advice on acclimatizing them! I will deffinatly get them vet checked! Any advice you can give me would be appreciated!

Still undecided.... Tim

Simon R. Sansom
04-06-03, 12:46 PM
Hey Tim, which species were you offered; Spilotes or Red-tailed Greens?


Tim and Julie B
04-06-03, 01:11 PM
Spilotes! You probably know this but sawer zoo has elaphe carinata cb's for sale and they ship to canada! www.sawzoo.com

Simon R. Sansom
04-06-03, 02:11 PM
Yes, I've seen the ads. I've considered it, but the costs really start to add up quickly. It becomes a bit ridiculous for a pair of $100.00 U.S. animals.
A pair of Spilotes, eh? Hmm...well, I'd get a poop sample off to the vet's for analysis as soon as you can. First impressions are important; make sure that the snakes look reasonably healthy and alert. Check for all the usual "suspects", mites, etc.
Provide plenty of secure hide-boxes and give the enclosure a misting in the morning, so that the humidity rises a bit during the day-time. They do like to climb, so provide the necessary cage accoutrements. Don't bug them too much, until you're confident that they've settled in and are feeding reliably. They do get upset very easily.
I'd go for it, and give it a try. Let me know what you decide to do. Good luck.


04-09-03, 09:03 AM
I love the black & yellow! :D very nice!!