View Full Version : My wee little babies...

06-01-02, 05:09 PM
Ugh... photographing these guys with my camera is so hard sometimes, they are so little and my camera wont do clear closeups (nothing closer than 2 feet usually).

These guys are soooooo little (dowel in pic is the diameter of a dime), here's Slowpoke...
<img src="http://imagehost.auctionwatch.com/preview/li/lindsayg/slowpoke_pole2.jpg">
another of Slowpoke (female)...
<img src="http://imagehost.auctionwatch.com/preview/li/lindsayg/slowpoke_pole.jpg">

The male...
<img src="http://imagehost.auctionwatch.com/preview/li/lindsayg/subflavus_M.jpg">
Most of the outdoor pics didnt turn out at all, these were the best :(
<img src="http://imagehost.auctionwatch.com/bin/imageserver.x/00000000/lindsayg/blurry_subflavusM.jpg">
<img src="http://imagehost.auctionwatch.com/bin/imageserver.x/00000000/lindsayg/blurry_subflavusM2.jpg">

Hope ya like ;)

Corey Woods
06-01-02, 08:06 PM
Is that a dew worm in the garden???...lol. Nice pics!!!


06-01-02, 08:15 PM
Man!!...they are so tiny,very cute!


jason h
06-01-02, 08:19 PM
there cute! but i need to know ya named slowpoke along time ago, what about the males name?;)

06-01-02, 09:26 PM
Thanks for the kind words :)

Jason, he STILL doesnt have a name...LOL! Maybe I should name his squeaky since he makes all sorts of squeaky sounding hisses when he bites me...lol!

jason h
06-01-02, 10:02 PM
you sure thats him squeeking or you screaching when he bites ya? LOL but squeeky sounds good a least then he has a name(poor little guy);)

06-01-02, 10:42 PM
He does need a name in a big way, I should call him Squeaky at least for the time til I find a better one. Maybe Bitey......lol!

LOL...but seriously, I hope he bites me until he gets big enough to make it hurt, cause nothing puts a bigger smile on my face than him acting all tough and biting me......hehehehe...lil cutie :D

06-01-02, 10:54 PM
count squeakula lol :eb:

they are very fine wee ones!
good luck finding a name.

Corey Woods
06-02-02, 12:07 AM

Even when my 3 year old bite they have a hard time breaking the skin......you, you'll be find for a couple years anways.


06-02-02, 07:34 PM
Linds, they're colour looks brilliant in the sunlight!!
I've got a name for him....Ducky....'cause rubber duckies squeek like crazy!!:p btw....i don't have one, i swear!!