View Full Version : id like some help if its not too much to ask

04-03-03, 02:01 PM
hi im venomangel and i have a favor to ask all you members of this forum as im sure you all know a lot about snakes and im sure you'll all be good enough to help me...

ive always had a fasenation in reguard to snakes, i just think their beautiful and to my delight my boyf' bought me a common redtailed boa for valentines day :D

his name is Khan, hes a male and he's just over a year old and about 4/5foot so i think hes gonna be a big'un. i love him to bits...hes like my baby and after raising him i got more into snakes than ever...so ive decided tobecome a breeder of snakes (boas imparticular) but im unsure of how many species and sub-species there are so if anyone could help me out and give me a rough list of the different types of boa there are. also im really interested in this genetics thing so if anyone would be so kind as to fill me in on all that too it would be great . generaly i need a bit of coachin as to all ythis cos i really dont want to mess up
v.a xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

04-03-03, 02:15 PM
Hiya Angel. For starters, go here (http://www.boa-constrictors.com) to learn about the different boa constrictors. Then go here (http://www.reptilehaven.net/modules.php?op=modload&name=Sections&file=index&req=listarticles&secid=1) to learn about genetics.

As for my 2p... please do not cross breed. Also, do not power feed to get your females breedable sooner. It shortens their lifespan considerably and will do you no good. :) Good luck in your future venture.

04-04-03, 09:20 AM
There are many different species of boa. These include Corallus ssp., Boa Constrictor ssp., Eryx ssp., Eunectes ssp., Epicrates ssp., Candoia ssp., Lichanura ssp., Tropidophis ssp., Acantophis ssp., Xenoboa ssp., Sanzinia, and Charina ssp. If I missed any perhaps hopefully someone else will remember. I cannot recall all the different corresponding subspecies (I don't think I even know all of them :p), but I'm sure if you ran a search on one of the engines such as www.google.ca you would be able to find them ;) Click <a href="http://newenglandreptile.com/CareInfo/GenSimRec.html">here</a> for an excellent, easy to read page on genetics. it's on simple recessive genes, but there are two links on there that also cover co-dominant and double hets :)

04-04-03, 02:20 PM
wow linds as always you are right some smart so i can't add anything cause you got it all man i ned to hit the books soon cause eue is leaving me in the dust.Oh by the way I will be moving to your neck of the woods soon (st cath area ) new job so let me know were your pet store is so i can have a place to buy stuff


04-04-03, 07:58 PM
Weeeeeeeeee another herper in the area :D Not many of us out this way :confused:

04-05-03, 12:08 AM
uh.. how did this snake come to be? did you just show some intrest and he bought it for you? It's great your into it and you seem like you will be a great keeper but giving reptiles as gifts (or any other animal for that matter) is really a bad idea. and that is going to be a large snake. not to put you down or anything but I just dont want people to think snakes are good mothers day presents!

04-05-03, 10:08 AM
Originally posted by krrc
uh.. how did this snake come to be? did you just show some intrest and he bought it for you? It's great your into it and you seem like you will be a great keeper but giving reptiles as gifts (or any other animal for that matter) is really a bad idea. and that is going to be a large snake. not to put you down or anything but I just dont want people to think snakes are good mothers day presents!

Ive always had a interest in snakes, my parents wouldnt let me keep them in my house,so now im living with my boyfriend,i was gonna getting one anyway so the fact my boyfriend brought me it saved me some money :D and i love him hes my baby!

04-05-03, 10:25 PM
My fiance bought me my first corn for Xmas. What's the big deal? He knew I wanted one...and her BF knew she wanted one.

- Victoria :w

04-07-03, 10:54 PM
Linds has a pet shop in St. Cath???..Man!! i wanna go see!!! where??

Bryce Masuk
04-07-03, 11:30 PM
Umm i am quite sure she works there not owns the pet store
I get what krrc is feeling he isjust saying that buying pets for someone else with out there knowledge or constant begging for reptiles is stupid and how quite a few reptiles end up in rescue centers

04-08-03, 06:41 PM
which pet store is it? Im also in the area and i would like to go check it out

04-09-03, 01:44 AM
No I don't own the store. I work at Kris' Reptiles and Travelling Exotics Road Show. It's located at 209 Carlton in St. Catharines.

04-18-03, 06:11 AM
so I gues it makes me and my G/F not resposible cause we baught each other boas I got the female and she got the male.

I realy think that V.A's B/F knew she wanted one and that she would drop if she saw that he thaught of her and the hobby she wanted to start I belive that is was a verry well thaught out thing we can obviously see she knows what she is doing it's not like she is here asking care requierments she is geting into the deep stuff genetics.

I wish ppl would stop jumping to the whole rescue bit we all know there is a bunch of stuff in rescues. But you dont alwase have to preach it here if you want to preach it go at iresponsible pet stores that sell to the ppl the things that are sent to rescues cause ppl that take the time to becaume members and post stuff are not interested in what hapend with animals they can not do anithing to help they are intersted in what we have to offer in knowlege and expirence if it so hapens that you get your expirence from a rescue then so be it but dont come down on ppl that are happy to have there herp and expecily one that wants to breed them in captivity B4 you all owned rescues or worked at one you started some where.
I want to have a rescue some day to but I will not chastise ppl for there mistakes my door will be open for volentiers to help and for animals who need me and that is it but my servacies will be limited you want to dump that burm here it will cost you the same amount you paid for it you cant care for your animals from no fault of your own dont worry about a thing if we all start doing that the word will spred and vets should not be aloud to put things a sleep for no good medical reason. you wana preach about rescues there is a perfect cause.

04-18-03, 10:01 AM
thanks for the support everyone...i know how to care for khan i had a boa before...i agree with the iresponsibe pet shop bit because before i had my last boa i swotted for weeks before getting her and i made sure i knew what i was doing, i would never dream of buying an animal if i wasnt sure how to care fof it. but anyway we bought her and she was very sick..turns out she was imported form abroad and was goin to die anyway...i wasnt very happy with that and it took me a while to get over the fear of having another in case he/she died too. but, ive moved on and i love my khan more than anything and yes there are things i dont understand yet like genetics for example but eventually i will, and when i feel that im ready i will breed khan.we all have to start somewhere and if being not as experienced as you COLUBRID
is a crime...sue me.

04-18-03, 10:21 AM
hehe well venom angel..i dont know who you are trying to mean when you say COLUBRID because there are a lot of people in the colubrid section. hehe Im not sure if you know but the colubrid is not their name..it just defines how many stars they have..and the stars are how many posts they have. Like me im VENOMOUS but two other people that responded in this thread are COLUBRID.

Well just wanted to clarify that for you. :) or maybe you just wrote colubrid cause you didnt want to point out a name but anyways i just thought id fill you in...just incase you were new here.

I think its a great thing that you got it for valentines day..me and my gf got the same thing!

:cool:Chondro Python:cool:

04-18-03, 10:28 AM
For a complete species database i suggest you the EMBL (http://www.embl-heidelberg.de/~uetz/LivingReptiles.html) Reptile database, which i found the most accurate and complete. Good luck on your future projects. You must learn that most mature Boa species can give birth every 2-3 years. You have chosen a difficult road. Snake breeding itself requires patience and a lot of time. Good luck again

04-19-03, 07:35 PM
Katey bought me my viper boas (candoia asper) for christmas and I got her a blood python for valentines. each of us got to pick out our own gift, but I think she could give me any kind of snake and i'd be grateful. she's a little more picky then me though.

04-20-03, 04:14 PM

THE best boa page ever

04-22-03, 03:55 PM
my mistake sorry, I think they know who i was referring to but when it comes to kahn i get all defensive sorry, im not a total idiot i know what im doing. so if feelings were hurt or pride was dented i apologise, but i ment what i said and there was no need to jump down my throat about receiving kahn as a gift. Im sure after working in a rescue, they've seen some pretty horrible things in thier time and i agree, that mistreating animals is wrong and kahn is far from mis treated.

Kahn wasnt just given to me as a pet, he was planned and thought out, he wasnt just thrown in my face with "HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!" i knew he was coming to me and i did my research and got him a home etc.