View Full Version : large burm question
Hi guys,
My big female burm (near 15 ft ) is not fat but flat.. is this normal or do I have to let her work out a bit more so her body will get more muscular again..
cheers niek
04-01-03, 04:42 PM
Be nice to have a female is over 10ft, and she is fat. However, when she is on the warm side where the UTH is, sometimes she will kind of flatten herself out a little, to have more surface contact with the warm floor. If she truly is "flat", then yes, she needs more excercise. I know it's alot of work to let them have some freetime, and weather cooperation is necessary, but my girl gets out at least 3 times a week, not counting cage cleanings and feeding. Also, what is she eating, and how often? Do you know her weight and girth measurement? How is her enclosure heated, and what are the temps?
she eats ones every 6 to 8 weeks 5 rabbits .. her cage is floor heated and the temps are really good. I had some contact with an other burm keeper and he said she really needs to get out more so.. i am going to get my burm to the gym LOL no just kidding I have to let her crawl a bit more ..
thanx for the help
04-02-03, 05:44 PM
Try giving her a large rabbit once a week.
04-02-03, 10:42 PM
Yeah, I would offer one food item every 7-10 days........that's alot of food for her body to process at once, and could overwork her digestive system. It is much more healthy to give frequent, smaller meals. My 10ft+ girl gets 2 colossal rats per week to 10 days, getting ready to go to bunnies, at which time she will get one every week to 10 days.
oke but I think that my feeding program is not that bad at all.. I spoke with a breeder of large constrictors and he has done research on feeding of those animals in the wild and he give his animals once every 6 weeks.. and they are very healthy.. My snake is not that flat I guess cause yesterday night we got down to look how long she really was and she is not that flat,, I really think that she flats her body cause of the floorheating . o by the way she was 4.65meters long thats about 14 ft so thats not bad for my snake :)
04-11-03, 08:28 PM
I have three Burm's one at 15 feet another at 12 feet and one at 10 feet and i feed them every two week's my Green Burm can flatten her self out when she want's but is pretty fat the rest of the time i too think you should try feeding her once every 7-10 day's every 6-8 week's just dont sound right and maybe that is why your Burm is flat any way's good luck
04-14-03, 06:58 PM
well i am going to have to second that. even though it is easer i wouldnt wait that long. i mean once a month is a good bit of time but 6-8 weeks is just too long. i would try to reduse to 1 month and if it is hard for you to get a food item every 4 weeks isent that many trips. but ya try to cut down to at least 4 weeks if not less
oke i will start her on feeding her every 4 weeks
well after she shed I saw that she isn't that flat at all..
04-17-03, 02:25 PM
Dammit! How much does she weigh?!? I'm gonna go out on a limb and say 160lbs., but I think I'm awful light on the estimate.
well I don't know how much she weighs.. I wnated o weigh her last time when we measured her but the box that a friend of mine brought was to small for her to fit in :) so I hope to know some day soon what her weigh is.. and tell me guys she doesn't look skinny or flat at all or am I wrong? I think she flattens herslrf out to absorb more heat from the cage floor.. SHe hasn't eaten yet but will tomorrow get 2 or 3 rabbits depenmding how big the rabbits are.
04-17-03, 02:36 PM
come on you call that a burm??? that thing is tiny
she is indeed "tiny" she only is 4,5 years old now so she has a whole lot of growing to do in the next 20 years I hope she will be the biggest burm ever
04-17-03, 04:19 PM
is it just me or could you fit small pigs in there once a month that will put some girth on her and I mean fast but alwas monitor to make shour she is not over wight. I say she is 175lbs but that is just from what I see any way tell me what you think.
04-17-03, 04:35 PM
maybe a small neighborhood child would
I tried to feed her pigs but she doesn'y want them :( But I don't know how to calculate lbs to kg so do you guys think she is to havy??? of what..
please tell me.
04-17-03, 06:02 PM
no no she looks great I would say ideal wight and lengt for her age you are doing a great job
04-18-03, 01:44 AM
She look's real good to me she does not look flat but have you tried feeding her lamb's or goat's? my 14 foot burm like's to eat them more then anything else i have fed her
hehehe well I want to try that but here in hollland the people with goats or lambs are not to fond of snakekeeprs lol.. so I really wouldn't know where I could get a lamb or goat . and what is she doesn't eat it I am stuck with a goat lol.. a dead goat but still a goat lol
04-18-03, 09:06 PM
either you are a midget or the snake is a giant !!! omg one day the neighbors will see you coming in with a cow :)
LOL well I am no midget I can assure you .. I am 5.9 ft :) the neighbours know of this snake but never seen her out of her cage lol .. s maybe when they do they move imidiatly LOL
well vic I understand your point and if you have had read all of my reactions in this topic you should'nt have said all of this :) I feed my burm once every 5 to 8 weeks and when I feed her I give her 3 to 4 prey items. Useally I will wait for her to go "hunting" in her cage and when she does that I will wait for a few days and then give her food.. Sometimes she is nonactive for 8 weeks. This is a sign for me that she doesn't need more feeding. She looks great in my oppionion and a lot of other people do think so so I have decided to maintain this feeding program for her. Yesterday she finally ate a pig the size of a ginnea pig lol so I am very happy.. And when I said I want the biggest burm ever it was a figure of speach. I don't care if another burm will grow bigger then her.. She will always be my big girl and I intend to keep her for at least 30 years :0
Thanks for the info
Cheers Niek
He Vic. I never took it personally :) I just wanted to say that I agree with you point of few :) I don't think that feeding your snake frequently is better then the way I do it. But he we're all human and we all have different oppinions about that. As long as the animals are fine there is nothing wrong I always say :)
To bad you burm died. I really hate it when animals get sick. I lost a retic allmost 2 years ago by the I.B.D. I really hated to see him in pain and in the end I had to put him to sleep :( I really miss that guy but some day soon I will get another one.. But first I have to get a rock in great shape. It was very sick and in bad shape when I got her from the former owner.
But I will make it better :)
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