View Full Version : corn snakes cage..

04-01-03, 11:45 AM
errr... any of you guys here can help me? i have no ideals how to set up the snakes cage... what is needed inside etc.. can any of u cages post some pics for me to roughly get some ideals? thanks.. i am a newbie.

04-01-03, 01:05 PM
Did you buy the snake already? You should always find out what the setup is before you buy the animal. Anyway, you'd be better off asking this question in the corn snake forum: http://www.ssnakess.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?s=&forumid=31

Welcome to ssnakess!

Big Mike
04-01-03, 01:06 PM
Find some good care sheets to read on corn snakes...there are lots of them.

What you need is an escape proof enclosure. Glass "fish" tanks are good if you get a good locking lid. You could use something as simple as a Rubbermaid or similar container. Obviously, you will have to put in air holes.

You need a substrate or bedding. Aspen chips are good but stay away from cedar wood products. Newspaper or paper towels are cheap and easy to clean.

A few places to hide and a water dish are all the furniture that is required but you can add fake plants and sticks or just about what every you think would be sterile and safe.

Depending on the ambient temperature you will need some heating device. I like to use Under Tank Heater pads but they will get very hot so they have to be controlled with a rheostat (dimmer) or a thermostat. You can use heat lamps or ceramic heat emitters. You could even use a radiant heat panel. You must have a good thermometer to measure the temp that the snake is exposed to. You will need to control the heat devices accordingly. Lights should not be left on for heat 24-7, to give the snake a day-night photo period. I like to use a UTH in conjunction with a light on a timer.

You must give the snake a heat gradient. Warm on one side and cool on the other side. Check care sheets for appropriate temps.

As far as how you want it to look...you can go very simple or you can make it very elaborate. Remember that you will need to clean and disinfect the enclosure and everything in it so take that into mind when deciding on what to put into the enclosure.

04-02-03, 10:18 AM
here's a pic of one of our corn snakes cage.


since the pic we've added a reptile den, a larger water bowl and replaced the tree stump hide with a larger hide.

04-02-03, 05:26 PM
All you need is some kind of sub-strait, water dish large enough for the snake to soak in. Also if the snake is a climbing snake then somthing for the snake to climc on. You should put a hide box in also.


04-04-03, 08:56 PM
lisa, sweet cage