View Full Version : GENETICS QUESTION again

03-30-03, 09:12 AM
if you breed an albino x hypo/salmon you get dbl het sunglow
what i wanna know is if anyone can tell me are all of the babies dbl het sunglow? or just the hypo/salmon?
what are the numbers theoretically supposed to be like outta 16
how many albino's , how many hypo/salmons , how many normal or would there even be any normals
thx mike:confused:

Darren Hamill
03-30-03, 10:49 AM

The outcome from breeding an Albino Boa to a Salmon Boa would result in the following:

Approx 50% of the offspring would be Salmon since the Salmon gene is co-dominant. These Salmons would also be 100% het Albino.

The other half of the litter would therefore be normal in appearance and 100% het for Albino.

So the end result, all of these Salmons would be Double Het Sunglow's since they're 100% Het Albino's.

The normal looking boas would only be 100% Het Albinos’. They would not carry the Salmon gene..

Hope this helps...