View Full Version : Jackson's Chameleon

03-29-03, 07:18 PM
I've been looking for information on Jackson's chameleons and i cant reall find anywhere that tells me what there cage mesurments should be when they're fully grown. Can anyone tell me what they should be?

03-30-03, 08:29 PM
Oh I miss my Dwarf Jacksons! :(

Most regular Jackson's Chameleons will reach a total length of approximately 12 inches. So they aren't a large size chameleon full grown. The minimum size cage I would use would be 18"x18"x36" tall, although 2'x2'x3' or larger would be prefered.

Here's an interesting care sheet for you: http://www.adcham.com/html/taxonomy/species/chjacksonixanth.html

Hope this helps!


03-30-03, 09:37 PM
That helped thanks.
Also.....It said that the basking area should be around 80F-85F. isnt that a liitle low??. Most basking areas are like 95F:confused:

03-30-03, 10:02 PM
Jackson's are a montane species... meaning they come from higher elevations than most chams, thus the temperatures are a little cooler. 80F-85F is right! Jackson's like it cool and humid.

