View Full Version : Info/breeders/sites on Prayin Mantis?

03-29-03, 05:09 PM
Does anyone own any Prayin Mantis (spelling?) or know any sites or stores in which I can get some info.


03-29-03, 05:23 PM
Thanks for the info, but i do not own any.


03-29-03, 10:58 PM
*scratches her head* I don't understand your post Burmies.. he's asking for information? He didn't give any... ?

The only time I owned a praying mantis was when I caught one when I was little.. my mum freaked out and made me put it back in the forest, so that goes to my extent of knowledge lol. (Oh yea and my grandad had a pet one that he used to get drunk... grr)

Sorry.. Kate

03-30-03, 12:14 AM
I have them! I breed them! I consider my self somewhat of an expert on them... lol
whaddya need to know?
Dan Connner

03-30-03, 12:20 AM
this really belongs on the Invertebrae forum, but what the heck :D

I know a few places you can get mantis egg sacks (called ootheca) they are so fun, and easy! Check around with gardening/farming stores, they sell them as a natural pest control (to eat all the aphids/grasshoppers, etc.) and you can get them for like $5-$10 each, and you can hatch like 300 babies from one, put them in a big cage, and feed them on store-bought fruit flies, or just let them eat each other, and they can eat small crickets within 2-3 weeks... Not very good to keep more than one together, but a large tank might hold a couple, if they are well fed... I have a caresheet I wrote, if you want to see.
Dan Conner