View Full Version : Bad, Bad week
Bad news guys. Erowin, my White Lipped Python and one of my new Mangrove snakes died. Erowin was sick when she arrived. She never ate and I had to give her shots daily. I went on a business to Florida, and I'll be damned if one of my Mangroves wasn't dead when I got back a day later. Both of them came from The white lipped lived for about a month and the mangrove 7 days. In the past, has been good as far as customer service. Should I email and gripe or should I just take my business elsewhere? I know that my husbandry was correct. I am at a loss....
Hmm honestly if I was in your position I would immediatly email them and let them know about BOTH snakes, the story, etc. even if you aren't looking for refunds, they should be let in on what happened.
That is a very short time frame that both died. Especially the Mangrove snake.
I second Marisa's opinion, they should be made aware of what happened to your snakes.
If they are a good company they will try and work something out to compensate you for your loss. At the very least they should be very interested in the matter for the health of the snakes they still have in stock.
Thanks for the responses. You guys have convinced me. Here is the message that I sent to them: I am very unhappy with my last 2 purchases from triple L. As you guys know, I have been a good customer and have always been very satisfied with my purchases. I have also been very satisfied with your customer service in the past. However, 2 snakes from my last 2 purchases have died. I purchased a White-Lipped Python about 2 months ago. She refused to eat no matter what I tried. My wife took her to the vet who told me that she had mouth rot and gave her shots for it. She died this past week. I found her laying in her water bowl. She was kept in a 24 X 24 X 12 enclosure W/ aspen for substrate. I kept the temp around 90 degrees under my vet's advice. The second snake was a Mangrove that arrived to me last Wed or Thu. It was kept in a 48 X 36 X 12 enclosure with a temp of 85 to 90. I went on a business trip this Wednesday and she was dead when I arrived home on Thursday. I don't expect my money refunded. Being the Reverse Logistics Director of a 100 million dollar company, I know what it is like to deal with an angry customer. I also know that the best customer service companies usually give their customers what they want (within reason). I would appreciate it if you would replaced these purchases on my next order. I realize that is outside your policy, but I also know that it is very possible to bend the rules for good customers; we do it every day. Please consider this and I hope that we can come to a fair and equitable solution. BTW,The little Hognose from the last purchase is doing fine, eating small fuzzies and enjoying his new home.
I will be sure to let everyone know how they handle this.
03-28-03, 10:42 PM
It is very possible the Baytril killed your albertisii. The snake was too young to be on it. Baytril is rather heady stuff for even an adult snake to be given. Dosages have to be just right otherwise it kills the snake. I'm sorry for your losses. I hope LLL comes through for you at least on the dendrophila. I feel the death of the albertisii is the fault of the vet. :(
Interesting about the White Lipped but I find the mangrove snake dying after a week to be really bad.
The vet had Erowin on .5 cc shot per day. The odd thing is that she seemed to be getting better. The night before she died, I soaked her in the tub and she swam around for about 30 minutes. We will see if LLL comes through. I hate it for the snake though. One can get so attached!
So sorry to hear about your losses. The letter you wrote was well said. Have you had necropsies done on the animals? It could prove to be very beneficial to find out the exact causes of death, both for yourself, and lllreptile, and the issue between the both of you.
04-01-03, 12:45 PM
I am truly sorry about your losses, but you really should take a look at your husbandry again.
If I remember correctly you put together a SCREEN cage for your snakes. You even stated that you were going to rotate different snakes through it and were even keeping different species together. There is no way that I am aware of to keep the proper temperature and humidity in a large screen enclosure. If one of the snakes you added to your collection was not quarantined it could have spread the infection around. Further if a snake was put in a cage that the infected snake had been in and the cage was not properly cleaned then the snake could have gotten an infection that way.
04-03-03, 04:54 PM
I am so sorry for your loss. No other snake can replace it. Hope you feel better soon.
The large screen enclosure is use as a play pen for lack of a better term. The Mangrove and the White lipped were never in the enclosure. The White lipped python's enclosure was kept around 83 to 85 degrees with a heat lamp in the other end (apx 90 to 95 degrees). Aspen or coconut bark is used for substrate. Thanks for the concern, but I am very careful with my husbandry. Three snakes have died on me in over 10 years of the hobby. I killed one spotted python trying to force feed it. If I am not mistaken, It was the third snake I ever owned. The other two were sick upon arrival. In fact, the White Lipped Python never ate the entire time she was here. The vet tube fed her once, but apparently the mouth rot was too advanced for her to eat. I hate that she died. I did all I could to save here, but to no evail.
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