View Full Version : Have to vent -> Darn cable company!

03-28-03, 01:08 PM
I just spent about two hours on the phone with the cable company trying to fix my account problems. The first three calls I made (to the appropriate number) kept redirecting me to the wrong department, after waiting on hold 20-30 minutes each time of course!

On the fourth call, I told the guy to transfer me to the right department. He tried and failed and I had to start over again.. Argh!!! So I called a fifth time and this time the guy managed to transfer me to the right department.

I then get to speak to an agent (4th time this month over the same problem with promises each time to get my sh*t fixed) but the guy is a total assh*le, extremely rude, refuses to help me and when I ask to speak to a supervisor he says no can do. I'm like "excuse me???, I've spoken to your supervisor at least 3 times this month!". He says his super is too busy to take an insignificant call like mine!!! I am totaly furious at this point and demand the agent's name, he doesn't comply, I ask again 2 more times and the last time, the f*cker hangs up on me!!!!

I am boiling mad at this point and ready to break everything in my sight! I was shaking I was so pissed, thank God that guy wasn't in front of me cause I would have shredded him to peices! After a few minutes trying to compose myself and punching the **** out of my mattress and pillows, I call back.

Thankfully the agent I was connected to was very curteous and polite and handled all my problems within a few minutes, everything is settled now. I tell him about my previous conversation with the last agent and voice my displeasure of being treated in such a way.

Now I have 2 supervisors investigating the matter and it's for sure the guy will have a written warning in his file. They even tape all the calls so I can't wait till this guy gets it! The best part is according to my account and all information and notes within, I was clearly in the right the whole time. Because of him, the company could have not received their payment as that was one of the reasons of my call.

So that's been my morning... I had to vent! It's been a long time since someone has managed to get me so riled up!


03-28-03, 01:28 PM
Calm down, I do not think he is all that worth it to get all that steamed over. I feel bad for you.


03-28-03, 04:06 PM
this happens all to often will my cable companies aswell. I have made many calls and had rude people on the other end, and they all feel they are in the right!! They act as if you calling them for help (the reason the have the job) is getting in the way of their day. If you can't deal with people or be polite enough to answer a question, you really shouldn't have taken that job!! Glad everything worked out for you though Pixie!!!

03-28-03, 04:31 PM
Burmies: I'll calm down when I get the service I deserve!!! For crying out loud, I am subscribed to every bloody channel they offer, so you can imagine the size of my cable bill. On top of that, I use them for my internet access.

This company gets a minimum of 175$ from me per month. They darn right better give me good customer service and I sure as hell have lodged a formal complaint over this matter. I've dealt with at least half a dozen agents at this company's department and only this one time have I gotten so much grief and aggravation. If I had been in the wrong it would have been a different thing but to be treated the way I was, I don't think so!!!


03-28-03, 06:36 PM
I went through the same thing!!!
We used to have a cable modem from the local cable company, but it would stop working for 4-12 hours each day.
I would call them and ask WTF???
And they would be like "Are you SURE its PLUGGED IN HON????"
"Well, MY computers say its working!"
We had 3 tech guys come in and had the modem replaced 3 times, but the friggin thing just wouldnt work!!!!I got tired of dealing with them and got a DSL modem from the telephone company instead.... When I called to disconnect my service from the cable company they transfered me to 5!!! different people, and to each person I had to answer the question "why are you discontinuing your service?"
me: well, because you $40 a month serive sucks.
"well let me transfer you to tech support and they will fix it"
5 friggin times......


03-28-03, 07:12 PM
Sorry to hear that Pixie! They should be treating you BETTER! They need to earn your business. Well the next time you are put on hold, you will be having a pair of beautiful Albino boas to play with while you wait:D They are ready and waiting to meet thier new owner!!

03-28-03, 09:33 PM
Thanks for the responses and understanding, it's just been a pretty crappy day and dealing with the cable company just didn't start me off in the right direction!

KaHane: I can wait to see my babies :D They will definitely be a good distraction for me in tough times! 9 days to go!!!


03-28-03, 10:38 PM
They stink! If it is like here in the states, they have a monopoly and can treat their customer like crap. Anyone who has cable know's the feeling. Not sure if there is anything we can do about it though. Maybe we could talk those 300,000 idiot war protesters to protest cable and really make a difference.

03-28-03, 10:55 PM
Pixie I got something else to cheer you up, We got our company shirts done and 1 is for you:D

03-28-03, 11:19 PM
Lasher: Yes the cable company here has the monopoly... It really stinks. I can switch to a satelite dish service but don't want to go through the hassle as I don't plan on living here too long.

KaHane: Woohoo!!! I'm definitely cheering up :D


03-29-03, 03:20 AM
I like my satelite, i wouldn't go back to cable unless i had to. btw pixie, when you move the satelite company will move your dish for free.