View Full Version : eyespy's snake picture challenge

03-28-03, 11:15 AM
My mom and I were talking about how funny it is that I love snakes and other reptiles so much when most of the people in my family really hate them. Since before I could remember my grandfather and I were out catching herps and I was loving every minute of it. My mom has always tolerated my hobby on a "don't ask, don't tell and for heaven's sake don't let them escape" basis.

My theory is: there is no such thing as an ugly snake. Some are more stunning than others but all are beautiful in their own way.

My mom's theory is: there is no such thing as a beautiful snake. All of them are gross.

My challenge to you folks is: prove both of us wrong. Find me a snake pic that I think is ugly, I dare you! An even bigger challenge might be to find one that my mother can agree is beautiful.

In order to avoid copyright issues, please don't just post a pic that isn't your own. Either get permission or just shoot me a link to the picture. We don't want to get anyone mad at us when we're just trying to have fun with snake pics.

03-28-03, 03:36 PM
How cool are these snakes?


I love emeralds!

Hamster of Borg
03-28-03, 03:38 PM
Do they need to be -naturally- ugly or can they have been made ugly by neglect/abuse? I got in a rescue boa that had its nose ripped off (no nostrils anymore) and its tail amputated, and scars from rat bites all the way down its back. He is pretty fricken ugly. :)

Elephant trunk snakes are pretty dang ugly too.


03-28-03, 04:39 PM
what the hell? an elephant trunk snake? u dont happen to have a picture of that do you?!
taiwanese beauty snakes are pretty! http://www.centralpets.com/pages/photopages/reptiles/snakes/PHOTO_SNK2880.shtml one of my faves anyway!
maybe its because people who like snakes go for the more "ugly" things anyway! cuz we think theyre cute:)

03-28-03, 06:04 PM
Check out this http://www.vpi.com/4VPIInventory/VPIPriceList/BloodThumbsGallery2.htm and this http://www.vpi.com/4VPIInventory/Galleries/BloodPythonGalleries/VPIbloodGallery2(031803)/BloodGallery2.htm
Those blood pythons rock! I'm with you though, I have not seen one snake that I would consider ugly yet. I can't say the same thing about frogs though, that one that it's babies crawl out of it's back is gross :S

03-29-03, 12:25 AM
Originally posted by Leo-Land
How cool are these snakes?

I love emeralds!

I agree, just gorgeous! Mom, however says "Bleccccchh! Those eyes look like something out of a Stephen King story."

03-29-03, 12:31 AM
Ham, I was a veterinary surgical tech for 15 years and have been doing rescues for twice as long. I see lots of ugly things happen to snakes, or should I say a lot of ugly things are happened UPON snakes by ugly people?

I never found the snake ugly though, even when the case was ugly enough to turn my stomach. Human behavior can be very ugly but that's no reflection upon the poor animal. Good luck with that poor boa and thanks for giving him a good home.

Elephant trunk snakes are coooooooooooool!

03-29-03, 12:38 AM
Originally posted by peregrinefalcon
I can't say the same thing about frogs though, that one that it's babies crawl out of it's back is gross :S

Yeah, that is kinda gross! :D

I found the bloods just gorgeous! Mom had no comment "because if you can't say anthing nice......."

03-29-03, 12:40 AM
XxRachxX, so far you're the closest we have to a winner. Mom finds "those blue parts" to be a very pretty color. "Too bad they are on a snake and not a sweater though."

03-29-03, 12:49 AM
lol if i looked at snake pics im sure i could find some but it is sad from my voulenteering at the vet clinic over here till i got into a dispute about ivermec and walked away.....

03-29-03, 12:51 AM
Originally posted by XxRachxX
what the hell? an elephant trunk snake? u dont happen to have a picture of that do you?!

I wasn't familiar with them either so I googled for a pic and came up with this:


These guys are aquatic and have this loose, saggy, baggy skin that also goes by the name Javan Wart Snake.

03-29-03, 12:56 AM
Originally posted by Canadaherp
..... at the vet clinic over here till i got into a dispute about ivermec and walked away.....

They still using that stuff on herps despite all the articles on nervous system damage and Ivermec crossing the blood/brain barrier in reptiles? I'd get into a dispute too!!

03-29-03, 01:24 AM
ya ya ya all that crap but that snake looks sweet!

03-29-03, 03:29 AM
How about mandarin rat snakes.... the nice yellows and blacks make it look beautiful. for a pic just look at "CrimsonKing"'s avatar... (watch, he'll go change it now lol)

03-29-03, 10:53 AM
"Mom finds "those blue parts" to be a very pretty color"
i have nail varnish in that colour! :D i could colour co ordinate my nails to my snakes!!
ah the wonders of google! i never use google! maybe i should! i think its the name that puts me off!
those elephant trunk snakes look like little wrinkly puppy dogs!

03-29-03, 11:49 AM
sounds like my family, LOL how about my burm?? I think hes pretty



or my ball python? most adults think hes the prettiest of all my snakes

and for an ugly snake, none comes to mind. Sorry lol

03-29-03, 01:00 PM
I'd love links to info on ivermectin toxicity if anyone has any handy.

03-29-03, 02:16 PM
This is one of my favorite pics of my snakes :D . It's Ruby my Knoblochi. She is a normal red, the lighting sometimes makes her look pink though. How can you not LOVE a face like that ;)

03-29-03, 09:06 PM
Here are a few really nice snakes.

Kunasir Island Ratsnake:

http://bigsnake.narod.ru/enc/Reptilia/Serpentes/Colubridae/Colubrinae/Elaphe/Elaphe_climacophora02.jpg (then click the link higlighted in orange)

Mandarin ratsnakes: http://market.*************/image/581.jpg

and another: http://market.*************/image/580.jpg

The ************* is k i n g s n a k e.com (without the spaces)

Thai bamboo ratsnake:

03-29-03, 09:55 PM
How about this one? It got a smile from a non-herper..

03-29-03, 09:57 PM
Sorry, this is the correct pic... and yes, its a one-eyed snake. ;)

03-29-03, 11:57 PM
I've had even those people who do not like snakes find this one cute (though I don't know if cute is what you're going for...but she may like it.)

<img src="http://members.shaw.ca/youkai/snakes/boa.jpg">

03-30-03, 12:33 PM
How 'bout this one:


or this one?

03-30-03, 02:54 PM
Youkai: i still cannot get over how amazingly cute that snake is! it still makes me squeel!
shes GOT to like that one! how can u not love a face like that?

03-30-03, 09:43 PM
So far I'm having loads of fun looking at lots of beauties! I can't wait till Mom gets on her computer at work tomorrow to see if she likes any of them. I can't pick the one I like best but it's fun looking over them again and again to consider. :D

03-31-03, 03:36 AM
Rach, that snake is always that cute! I think it has to do with the way kenyan's eyes are situated.

03-31-03, 10:17 AM
wow... I think the Rainbow Boas are pretty... and I find cave-dwelling rat snakes simply adorable! ^^ as far as an ugly snake, I haven't seen one.

03-31-03, 02:47 PM
My Brother has A rainbow and everybody even my snakehating mother and father say "it's BEautiful" It's a popular one among adults...

04-05-03, 08:42 AM
I don't know what your mom's idea of "beautiful snake" is, but these are my favs!


I can't help with the "ugly snake" as I have never seen one!:) :)

Cold Blooded
04-05-03, 10:54 AM

My Ki is a pretty snake....
Snakemann...you're burm is gorgeous!

04-05-03, 04:45 PM
I'm visiting mom today and we're looking at this thread and she keeps saying "Bleeecccccchhh! (or however you spell that).

I guess she hasn't picked a winner yet. She flat-out hates most python faces because their teeth are way too evil-looking for her and she claims she can imagine them far too well just from the snout shape even when the mouth is fully closed. What a wuss she is! The whole leglessness thing freaks her out pretty much too. She did say that some of the patterns and colors would be pretty on a blouse or a little handbag or something. IF, and I can't stress that IF enough, it was very clear it was just a fabric and not any blecchy snakeskin. ;)

As for me, it's tough to pick a prettiest snake because my idea of drop-dead gorgeous encompasses most snakes. I do agree with her on the whole snakeskin thing though, it's pretty bleccchy to kill an animal thinking it will make you look prettier.

Tim and Julie B
04-05-03, 11:05 PM
Your Mom has just got to love this little guy, I mean, he's just so goofy looking-kinda like being so ugly it's cute!:rolleyes: http://www.ssnakess.com/photopost/data/500/1812cat-eyed_snake-med.jpg

04-05-03, 11:33 PM
lol... what is that thing??


04-06-03, 12:19 AM
That is the Blunt-Headed tree snake (aplopeltura boa). They hail from Indonesia. They are rear fanged and feed on slugs and snails. :)

04-06-03, 12:23 AM
Absofrickinlutely adorable! Of course, that's my opinion. I'm back home now so Mom hasn't seen that pencil-necked little popeye. I'll have to let you know what she says.

Tim and Julie B
04-09-03, 01:59 AM
Hey! Let me know man! Hehehehehe, Cause even I couldn't resist tis little dork and I'm not too big on snakes either.