View Full Version : Speckled Kings Copulating!!

03-28-03, 12:18 AM
Finally after the female's being none receptive and being just plain bitchy, my first confirmed copulation. The male's the darker, more yellow one. He's basically as ugly as speckleds get. the females are excellent specimens though. I'm hoping the babies will come out more like mom, but with dad's yellow. The male's in shed too! Talk about being a good breeder! The female is the smaller of the two females. I'm hoping to catch the other female in action after he takes a break from this one.

<img src="http://www.members.shaw.ca/vanan/SpeckledCop2.JPG">

<img src="http://www.members.shaw.ca/vanan/SpeckledCop1.JPG">

03-28-03, 06:23 AM
Very good Vanan. For sometime down here it was hard to find the normals. Everyone had the albinos. It's one snake I feel looks much better in the normal phase. Bring me some.

03-28-03, 08:08 AM
Way to go! What does a speckled king go for in Canada and how many could you expect in each clutch?

03-28-03, 12:27 PM
Being a getula, I'd expect around 6-10. The bigger female may pop more, but they're not large kings like brooksi, easterns, or Appalachicola kings.

Cranwill, contact me when I have babies and we'll see. I'm not gonna count my eggs b4 they're even laid! ;) Besides I haven't seen or heard of anyone who's producing them. Lemme know if you know anyone who does.

03-28-03, 12:28 PM
And I definitely didn't forget you Mark. We'll talk details.

04-01-03, 12:31 PM
Please don't forget me either!

04-04-03, 09:43 PM
love it! How much would they go for?

04-05-03, 05:13 AM
Around $100 probably.

04-05-03, 07:05 AM

Although Is it just me or are those snakes not copulating.. thier tails are close to each other but there not hooked together.. Are u judging on this pic ar did u see them going at it for an hour or more..

I wish u the best

04-05-03, 09:04 AM
Congrats and best of luck! I have a budy right now who is dealling with an non-receptive bitchy king. I hope his luck changes like yours did!

04-05-03, 09:43 AM
He's basically as ugly as speckleds get.

I actually like his coloration better than the females :p Good luck on the upcoming clutch

04-05-03, 01:46 PM
Dom, I always confirmed copulation by actuallylifting tha tail up and actually seeing the hemipene attached. Of course I'm not gonna jump to conclusions just cos they've got their tails together! lol.

Trevor, best of luck to ur friend. I've learned a new quality this year, patience! :)

Ace, I like his coloration too and now if only he produced ones patterned like the female but with his colour. Probably the only reason why I'm using his badly speckled-self is his colour.

Simon R. Sansom
04-07-03, 05:27 PM
VERY nice snakes, Vanan! I don't know anyone who's bred them.
I hope you get a nice clutch or two.
There certainly are a lot of different Lampropeltis with which to work, aren't there?

Good Luck.


04-07-03, 09:27 PM
Thats awsome.


04-08-03, 03:50 AM
Yep Simon! Kings are my fav genus of snakes! Gotta love their feeding responses man!

Simon R. Sansom
04-08-03, 09:14 PM
How do you feel about Desert Kings (L. g. splendida)? I've seen some mighty attractive ones in my travels, but I've never bothered to pick up a couple. Nowadays, though, I'm not star-struck by big-dollar animals and I'd grab a pair if they presented themselves.
Another king that I really fancy is the "speckled" phase of "goini", I think it is? I've only seen them in pics, but I'd love to see a nice adult in the flesh.


04-08-03, 10:25 PM
Well knowing Vanan he loves kings. I believe he picked up a desert king from Crimsonking.

As for the patternless phase of the appalachicola king (speckled goini) I own a male of such a phase and they are gorgeous.

BTW goini is the out dated name, they are L.g.appalachicolae or something.

Here's my male "Fabio". He's currently mating with a botched phase. The patternless phase is sexually dimoprhic with only the males showing this pattern.

<img src="http://members.shaw.ca/kattia/goini.jpg">

04-09-03, 03:59 AM
Hey Simon! Yea I want splendidas! Already acquired a nice looker, but waiting to ship her with a bunch of other stuff later this yr. I'm looking to get locality splendidas. Love the black head and nice yellows on the side.

Simon R. Sansom
04-09-03, 04:57 AM
Katt; That speckled "goini" is just fantastic! I didn't realize that the speckling is a sexually dimorphic characteristic. Are they a large king, like L. g. floridana? That male in the pic just floors me ;0)
You realize that I'll be drooling over that pic for a while?! LOL!

Vanan; Sounds as though you're going to be acquiring some nice animals. I can't wait to see your splendida when you get them. I think they're another "criminally under-rated" animal and seem to be poorly represented in Canadian collections.



04-09-03, 11:31 AM
I took this pic this morning, while Fabio was trying to copulate with the female. She however is being difficult, despite having just shed. He's a great breeder and is right on top of her as soon as he's introduced into her.

As for size, they are a robust and thick bodied snake with small heads. It is theorized that the appalachicolas are a remenant of chain x florida cross that diverged quite a number of years ago. My guys are about five feet.

The colours are a bit off in this pic due to flash, he's actually yellow and black, not reddish, she however is a nice light brown in place. The contrast between the phases available is quite stunning.

<img src="http://members.shaw.ca/theherproom/appalas.jpg">

04-09-03, 12:31 PM
Criminal under-rating is what I'm hoping to abolish my man!

Nice pics btw Katt! You're getting better and better everyday. ;)

Simon R. Sansom
04-09-03, 02:57 PM
Katt; Nice pic of the prospective couple. They're both beautiful. I wish you success with them.


04-11-03, 01:44 AM
I'm going to need it. Darn girl is being really hard to get. Artificial insemmenation maybe in order!!

Just to note, I was just kidding. Fabio is trying very hard, but she seems reluctant. Perhaps they are breeding behind my back!

I can't wait to get more patternless.

04-11-03, 06:05 PM
just a quick tease pic .

04-11-03, 09:59 PM
Can't wait to see her in person Mark, I love the speckling on the sides.

Beautiful desert. Maybe the only one I've really liked.

Simon R. Sansom
04-11-03, 11:08 PM
Thanks for posting the pics of Vanan's splendida. Definitely a great-looking animal.
Looks as though I'll be keeping an eye peeled for some...Oh no, not ANOTHER species, LOL! Looks like I'm going to HAVE to convert the basement into a snake room sooner than I'd expected.
Ahhh...so many snakes - so little time!

Have a great week-end!


04-11-03, 11:43 PM
Katt, those kings look <b>too</b> nice. I need a pair!!! :)

04-11-03, 11:51 PM
Mark! U!! Can't wait to get her man! Thanks for holding on to her til then mate! You da best!