View Full Version : Rubber Boas

03-27-03, 08:32 PM
Hey guys,

Do you know where I could find rubber boas? Do you know anyone who sells or breeds some?

thank you!

03-28-03, 07:50 AM
I have a really nice rubber boa.... easy to care for, hardly ever eats, and never bites!
latin name: boa rubericus baloonicus
Here are some pics of mine eating....
The downside to the boa rubericus baloonicus is that they get HUGE!!!!

03-28-03, 09:20 AM
heheh - that's cute, Stormyva.

03-28-03, 10:02 AM
wow!!! .. is that really your snake?!?!?




03-28-03, 02:44 PM
Next time try posting this type of ad in the Classifieds, I left it up in the discussion forums due to all the responses it had accumulated. As for breeding these little guys, there are not many up this way. Roy Stockwell aquired some earlier this year, however I cannot remember how old they were, but he does plan on breeding them. He is located in Ontario, but does not ship his animals. Sorry I could not be of more help, good luck with your search ;)

Hahaha great pics! :p

Herp guy
03-28-03, 02:56 PM
Good pics , you can try www.king*snake.com (take out the asterisk first* its banned here)

Kyle Barker
04-13-03, 02:11 AM
I know they are illegal in BC, and i thought they were in all of Canada. Are people allowed to keep them anywhere outside of BC (legally ;))?

04-27-03, 05:59 PM
why are they illegal??? that doesnt make much sense to me.

04-27-03, 06:02 PM
I think they are endangered.

04-28-03, 10:48 PM
lmfao at stormy, thats HILARIOUS! Nice pic editing skillz! Well, they sell Rubbers (Boas ;)) here in AZ. THey had some at the show last weekend from LLLreptile.com. Might wanna look there. Good luck!

Kyle Barker
05-09-03, 12:52 PM
They are illegal because they are native, and to a lesser extent endangered. in BC you are not allowed to keep any native reptiles without permits.

Tim and Julie B
05-09-03, 01:11 PM
Kyle is right. I also think they do not defferinciate between species so you can not buy "American" Rubber boas either. To bad they are really cool!