View Full Version : the sims unleashed

Herp guy
03-27-03, 11:38 AM
there is a game out called the sims unleashedwhere you buy pets. Its cool becaUSE YOU CAN HAVE A HOUSE FULL of pets for no real cost and you get to feed them and everything. Its cool, i recomend it to yall who cant get more animals:grab: :grab: :grab: :grab:

03-27-03, 12:11 PM
Perhaps this should not be in the Venomous Forum. Perhaps General Forum.

03-27-03, 12:59 PM
General Forum for sure. Would be nice if you could have a herp habitiat simulator, so the uninformed people could kill simulated herps instead of real ones.

03-27-03, 07:22 PM
i toltaly agree. not the right forum pally