View Full Version : Cobra-like snake

03-27-03, 12:41 AM
Hey, I was talking to a hick friend of mine and he said that he was out in the woods ( he lives in central Alabama) and he saw a huge black snake, and when the snake saw him it raised its head up and kinda puffed out its throat kinda like a cobra does. I know there is a snake that does this, but I cant remember what kind it is. Can anyone help me out?

Hamster of Borg
03-27-03, 01:29 AM
Sounds to me like it was probably a black racer, but they are hardly huge. They do tend to stick their head up to look around though. Something big, maybe a black pine? If it was south AL might add the indigo to that list, but I doubt that.

Maybe it was a really big scary eastern hognose? :)


03-27-03, 11:11 AM
I would say Racer or Hognose. "Huge" is a relative term, especially to those not fond of snakes.

03-27-03, 12:45 PM
Yeah, huge is relative term. But he said it made an audible sound when it puffed out its throat. Almost like a growl. Makes me wonder if some moron let a cobra go in the wild. Sounds like something a redneck would do... : )
However, whoever would let a 500 dollar, exotic, deadly snake go in the wild would have to be seriously insane.

03-27-03, 12:53 PM
Eastern Hognose Hiss and puff, and definately hood up and the can be all black.
Course there are chances of anything possible. Burmese Pythons thriving in the everglades. Heard a few species of Indian Cobras (monacled I think) living in the everglades as well. As with anything in the wild you dont totally understand....DON'T TOUCH IT!!!!!

03-27-03, 03:27 PM
well, it was probably a hognose then. I didnt know they hissed, and thats alot more likely then being a cobra....

03-27-03, 04:26 PM
just whatever it tell your friend to not touch it or pick it up cuz u never know and u don't wanna hurt the snake by mistake

03-27-03, 06:09 PM
Trust me, he wouldnt touch it if ya paid him. He's one of those people that have incredibly wacky misconceptions of any and all snakes...such as cottonmouths climbing into boats to bite them, all snakes are out to get ya, etc.

03-28-03, 07:46 AM
my first thought was a hognose too! Im guessing thats likely what he saw!

03-28-03, 04:25 PM
Just a BIG hognose snake

03-30-03, 10:32 AM
This is a Picture of a Eastern Hognose I used to have. It hooded like a cobra for many years till its passing , wonderful snake and one of my favorite north americans


03-30-03, 03:21 PM
Sweeeeet pic. Thats a beautiful snake.

04-01-03, 05:41 PM
Thanks he was a ver fun snake to have . He did a great immitation of playing dead also , used to get me woke up by my wife at very early hours of the morning till she caught on to his game.