View Full Version : Breeding corns?

03-24-03, 11:07 AM
in acouple of months i'm going to purchase my second corn a male to mate with ym femal corn nicky who is 1 and a half years. i was wondering is my corn old enough to mate yet without risk of egg biding? or should i wait longer because i don't want anything to happen to her. also how do u gett hem to mate do u just put the male in with the female? and they mate or do you have to introduce them like for acouple of hoursa and then take him back out and then put him back in or what? and how long do i leave him in their for? what do i do with the tempature do i feed my snake more? how do i know if she pregnant? and when the eggs hatch if she has any what do i do with them? OMG i know its alot of questions but can someone help me or try answering even acouple?

sry not trying to be annoying but i just want to be inforemed befor i breed them

thx for any help bye:)

03-24-03, 02:12 PM
O.k. you should REALLY consider buying "The Cornsnake Manual by Kathy Love" it tells you more than you could ever find out here in the web about cornsnake breeding.

Breeding is more about size not age. A female should be at LEAST 36 inches long and have good girth before breeding. This size is *usually* achieved around age 3. But it differs from snake to snake.

I would suggest buying the book before even making one breeding attempt. There is so so so much more you need to know before putting two snakes together.


03-24-03, 02:23 PM
okay i'll go pick one up today at the pets troe near my house thx for the advix eyeah i knew i needed to do lots more reserch befor i started thx

03-24-03, 02:25 PM
Good idea! The book rules.

Once you read it a few times and your corn is the right size you'll be on your way.


03-24-03, 02:34 PM
Okay thx again see u around maybe some time at the expo's in toronto or mississuga bye