View Full Version : My new baby crested gecko"licky"

03-24-03, 10:43 AM
OMG i'm so happy tommrow i get my new baby crested gecko from my cousin,who breeds them. His male and 4 females had over 4 dousen eggs! so hes giving me 2 for free. The male and females were blue so i'm hopping the two baby ones will be as well. I"m gonna get a digi cam and take lotsa pics and post them so u guys can see my two buetiful new babies. there 6 months old because my cousin was taking care oif them for me while they were babies because they need extra nurtioning and stuff and he has more time then me but tomorow i get them! So just wait acouple of days while i take some pics and then i'll post them!:):):) i have a 35 gal tank for both of them and its covered in thick vegation and stuff so i hope they like it

anyways bye just wanted to shre the exciting news

p.s they'll be my first lizard ever:)

03-24-03, 03:21 PM
congrats :D I'm very happy for you as crested geckos are GREAT, but there really is no such thing as a BLUE crested....sorry :P

congrats though they make great pets :D

03-24-03, 04:10 PM
Congratulations Nicky, cresteds are a great starter lizard (they're my first lizards too...). Don't forget to post the pics! We all love pictures in here.

03-24-03, 05:19 PM
It's great to hear of yet another herper emerging, and I wish you the very best of luck with this new project. They truly are a good beginner lizard (despite what I've said in the past, lol - Jacenta, Heather, Katev), and I hope you get years of joy from keeping them.

Way to go Heather, crush the poor girl's dreams of ever owning a blue crested right off tha bat... Forget "easing into" an explanation... lol
I cried when I was informed blues didn't exist.

Have a good one, everybody.

03-24-03, 06:45 PM
LOL don't make ME out to be the bad guy Kat :P I was dissapointed too but it's better that the poor girl not be mis-informed! :P

Anyway I'm SORRY Kayla, everyone's dissapointed about it lol...lol yah I was blunt :( I'm sorry, I had to run to the dentist :(

But have fun with them Kayla! They're the greatest :D

03-24-03, 07:27 PM
Oh, for Katatonic's sake, and to clear up and broaden my recommendations, I'd like to add.... there are also many other great reptiles out there, even to start off your herping hobby or lifestyle.

03-24-03, 08:10 PM
haha, just to warn you Kayla, Katatonic is the meanie , or "snukerpuss" of the forum....LMAO....

lol just kidding KAT ...he's buckets of fun..

03-24-03, 11:09 PM
Rhacodactylus ciliatus; can be raised without the necessity of live food, can be maintained at room temperature, breeds readily by introducing opposite sexes... like people... have comical dispositions and "personalities", are clumsy as hell when attempting to jump and explore, are hardy captives and voracious feeders... All aspects combine for one of the reptile industry's most popular, most supported species of all time, and is surely going to get larger in the coming months. Good choice, Nicky/Kayla.
I'm all Pro-cresty today, can you tell Ladies?? lol

PROPS TO JACENTA, what a sweetheart, forever remembering my cause!! *shakes her hand*.

Heather... *shakes head* I'm only mean to you, you haven't realized that by now??? *joking joking* Please no more curses I can't handle any more voodoo induced heart pains. lol Don't feel bad Heather, I would have done the very same thing... you know... cause I love crushing people's hopes and dreams.

Oh man... Time to get outta here before I make any more friends. Have a good evening Ladies.


03-24-03, 11:14 PM
10$ he didn't write that....

LOL I"m just kidding Kat :P Great pro-crestie speech :D

Hey are you going to the show? I'm gonna hunt you down....;)

Anyway, I"M *sorry* again for the crushing of the dreams.....

03-24-03, 11:28 PM
I was paid $10 TO write that one eh... :D
In all reality, you can't deny how dynamic this species is, and that was everything I could throw out.

03-25-03, 03:36 PM
lol I don't know what you guys are talking about, I totally don't remember anti-crestedness... But if there was any *SHAKES FIST*

I'll help you hunt down anyway, Heather... oh yea and I'll have to hunt you down at the show Heather so we can meet... ... .... cuz we've never met before.... ............. :D


Ok I'll go take my calming-down-drugs now

03-25-03, 06:43 PM
LOL okay i guess theres no uh blue geckos oh well lol don't worry u didn't crush my dreams lol yo i was wondering heather is your hair like that? if its is that is so wicked! it looks like mine. hehehe thats crzy yo is it a mowhawk or spiky cuz i can't see your avater is kinda blurry i'll see u ppl at the next reptile expo. My hair is dark blue and its spiky or it might be in a tri-hawk( which is three mowhawks) so someone come say hi and no i won't poke u in the eye with my hair cuz alot of ppl think i'm gonna lol. anyways see u ppl later bye

don't worry at least i know the truth that blue crested geckos don't exsist lol bye all:)

03-25-03, 08:32 PM
it's a mohawk it's the stupid girl from the stupid distillers.


Heather's hair isn't like that, it's yellowy orange if I remember correctly!

Hey heather (just thought I'd answer for you lol SUCKER)

03-25-03, 09:08 PM
okay kool stuff orangy yellow is it down or is it like spiked?

03-25-03, 09:09 PM

HEY Kayla.....no it's not my hair but I'm getting damn sick of my hair and I'm tempted....your hair sounds awesome and we'll look for you @ the pcpc show :D We are going :D

and I don't believe you lol I have friends who've poked me with their hair on more than one occasion :P

03-25-03, 09:10 PM
I have PICS in my GALLERY :D

03-26-03, 12:21 AM
How interesting... The crested gecko forum has once more been transformed into the hair stylists association of Canada... Whatever is a guy to do now...
*rolls eyes*.
Dang girls and their silly cresteds... Dang girls and their silly styling... Oi.

*joking - breath ladies*

03-26-03, 07:43 AM
okay good stuff see u guys at the next shows if i make it