View Full Version : A how to make a water bowl hide

Bryce Masuk
03-24-03, 02:04 AM
step 1 buy a water bowl the one you want is a 4 dollar one petsmart sells it has a paw print on the side of it its in the dog section you have 4 choices in sizes i think maybe 3 you can get metalica blue gunmetal grey metalic green red and there is couple more too its thin plastic so it cuts easy

step 2 take cut out around the paw print it should leave a tunnel shaped hole do it on both sides if you want then at the bottom there will be 2 sharp corners cut them off or round them of your choice

step 3 place in enclosure and fill with water

now your snake has a hide thats heavy hard to tip and tight like they like all for 4 bucks and it does 2 things at once what else do you need?
All i have used are the 2 cup water bowls since they fit my snakes in and they allow them to soak too my ball python and my southern pine snakes have these they work well and are cheap

03-24-03, 08:51 AM
My bullsnake simply tunnels under the waterdish (it's a plastic dog bowl) and hides in the ring...it's a pain too b/c she's getting too big for it and last time I gently lifted the water dish up, her head got hung up for a second before it 'fell' out...I'm thinking about replacing it with a ceramic bowl before she get's bigger and gets stuck...

Bryce Masuk
03-24-03, 06:01 PM
hung up on what? is ther a lip in the bowl or is her head so big it cant fit in there? I know at petsmart they sell a huge dog bowl for 5 bucks that would probley do the job its the biggest one

03-24-03, 06:16 PM
I just use a tupperware container that is big enough for the snake to soak in. They seem to like it, the ones that soak anyway.


03-25-03, 07:27 AM
Under the bowl...it the space between the part of the bowl that holds the water and the outside of the bowl...yeah, she's too big...the biggest one probably wouldn't fit in her tank.

03-25-03, 09:08 PM
I'd worry about trying to get the snake out of the bowl if it had a hollow bottom.

Bryce Masuk
03-25-03, 09:56 PM
under the bowl its perfectly smooth if you lift the bowl up you see the snake laying on the ground it doesnt have a floor it works great when i get my friend to come over with his digital cam i will take some pics

03-26-03, 11:05 PM
Many of the plastic waterbowls have areas of access to get into the hollow underparts of the bowl. I have several different types of bowls like this. They work great for baby snakes, providing a nice tight hiding spot :)

04-04-03, 08:57 PM
got pic? it would be nice to see how they turn out.

Bryce Masuk
04-06-03, 02:07 AM
I will slam some on here when i get my friend with a digi cam to take some pics