View Full Version : To mist, or not to mist? That is the question!

03-23-03, 10:42 AM
Ok in the past i have not exactly done a lot of misting. but with my newest python i decided to start back up with misting, so its kept at least 60% all day long.
i noticed when i misted in the past the pythons seemed smoother and their skin was alot silkier. their eyes were always clear and perfect. and the sheds always went totally unflawed. always in a single piece.
but then when i stopped misting i noticed their scaled were drier and felt flaky sometimes. their eyes were always a bit cludy and often somewhat dented and wrinkled. and the sheds were awful, many different pieces.
has anyone else noticed this? or do you get along fine without misting? im just wondering if maybe this is all in my head or if a twice daily misting is beneficial to ball pythons.
if you dont mist then how do you guys provide moderate humidity? whats your thought on misting a ball pythons can at least twice daily? whats your experience say?
thanks in advance!!!

03-23-03, 10:44 AM
omg well i was just 1 away so i had to do this. i randomly checked my post ammount and its at 149......its itchin at me so i might as well get it done with. this here is my 150th post!!! welcome my new star!!!
yeah i know thats really lame. at least im not power posting for star rank.
now back on topic.

03-23-03, 11:41 AM
I have never had to mist, all my snakes water bowls are big enought that if they want to soak they can. I also have lots of plants in the room to help.


Corey Woods
03-23-03, 11:47 AM
I only increase humidity when they are shedding......I do that by dumping their water in their water bowl into the substrate and then filling it back up again. As long as the water is clean they can sit in it for a long time.


03-23-03, 12:05 PM
We have a fountain for the entire room, plus the cypress mulch keeps the humidity up compared to most other substrates.

03-23-03, 12:10 PM
i use reptile carpet. and the bowls are large dog bowls. the humidity get pretty bad.

03-23-03, 01:45 PM
I use a large (1' diameter) plastic water tray that you would put under a flower pot in the center of it is a small water fall that you find on display with bonzai trees on the top there is a marble ball that the pressure spins. On the bottom of the cage is reptile bark which here and there I keep a bit of sphagnum moss. I have a large upright abot 3 " in diameter stick with tillandsias (air plants) attached that I mist as well.
I do all this because the cage set up is made of a plastic piping for the frame with a sort of netting that fits over it that opens and closes by a zipper.
Except for the males first shed where a couple of the new scales stuck to the old and got peeled off as well :( (OUCH!) everyone has shed in one piece beautifully.

03-23-03, 01:48 PM
wow that sounds great. got pics?

03-23-03, 03:12 PM
I do but they are too big to post and I am clueless on how to resize them.

03-23-03, 03:19 PM
oh, sounds like a sweet setup though

03-23-03, 03:31 PM
:) I think I fugured it out :) I guess Im not as blond as I apear.


03-23-03, 03:32 PM
oh thats horrible any way there is also the hide box to the right covered in moss as well ;) That heat rock you see in the middle is just there for looks it is NOT turned on. the reason you see 2 lights is because its a little hard to keep the heat up in that enclosure. The wattages were different and now the left one has been switched to a red light for nights. There is also a heating pad that heats underneath the hide box and behind it.
Since the waterfall thing has a tendancy to splash water outside the tray I doubt I need to spray but like I said I need to water the airplants.

03-23-03, 04:01 PM
And since i figured it out I will show off one of my babies :) This is my youngest girl before I made the hide box.

03-23-03, 04:48 PM
Looks really good Im impressed;-))

03-24-03, 12:16 PM
Hey, That's an amazing setup!!! I really like the natural look
