View Full Version : Lots of frogs.
Kyle Barker
03-23-03, 06:41 AM
The last 3 nights/mornings have been really good for pacific tree frogs. the first night we caught 16, second-16,third(tonight)-21 & 1 red legged. I even got the pleasure of watching them lay then fertilize the eggs in the wild, very interesting. heres some pics of the tree frogs.
03-23-03, 06:55 AM
Wow, Very cool. where do you live?
Kyle, thank you!! Frogs were my first love in the herp world and where I live it's become increasingly hard to find them. Habitat is turning into housing developments and we've had drought for 12 years so the poor little dudes are really having a tough time.
I didn't find any frogs at all last year but did hear some nice spring peeper choruses. I only saw one snake last year too and that was a water moccasin which isn't supposed to be native to PA although we do see them from time to time. My only real luck was with box and snapping turtles and salamanders which don't yet seem to be affected by all the habitat loss.
Please do keep posting pics of your frogging expeditions! I just love them. Especially the amplexus pic. It's so nice to think of all the little tadpoles that will arrive.
Kyle Barker
03-24-03, 03:38 PM
I live in victoria, but usually go to shawnigan lake to find them.
Thats too bad that they are so hard to find. I have also noticed most things getting harder to find in certain areas. I have really noticed that the ponds that i go to for frogs have almost no native frogs left, damn bullfrogs. However we did find a seperate pond that had many treefrogs right in the middle of bullfrog country:).
I have many hundereds of tree frog pics if you would like to see more, I will post some on the weekend. Also have TONS of "mating" (aplexus) pics, and a few pics of the eggs. Ill try and get some of a few differents species. Im also going to set a website just for native herp pictures.
03-24-03, 04:56 PM
Nice shots Kyle. Thanks for sharing. :)
03-24-03, 05:02 PM
Very sweet frogs! I like the grey one with the green sides. I would have caught that one and kept him! Very awesome looking!
03-24-03, 05:52 PM
Nice pics Kyle...those frogs are beauties
Great pics Kyle! I go out looking for herps up in shawnigan too....have been since i was born....My grandpa has a place up there, like 4km into the bush away from shawnigan lake. When i was about 5 i caught a alligator lizard and kept him for a few months before releasing him again, as well as many garters, frogs and salamanders.
Let me know if you want to go check his place out, hes got 3 ponds on his property and a bunch of rock piles and the neigbours all know us and let us poke around on their property too... Soooo much fun... Ill be going up there in the next little while.
umm........sorry for getting excited...haha...anyways.
Kyle Barker
03-25-03, 03:20 PM
I did keep a couple over night to take pics but i released them the next day. I dont ever keep anything that is native to here.
Norman- I am DEFINATLY interested in going out searching. Im there almost every weekend for a day or 2, so if you want give me a call. I have also had GREAT luck going into the clearcuts and looking in the flooded areas. A buddy was telling me about one of the gravel pits by there having a good population of alligator liz's, any idea where it is?
those are amazing pix - thanks for sharing
great to see these lovely creatures still in the wild
Nice pics! We have tons of toads around here but not many frogs. But I don't do much looking.
yeah i havent kept anything native to there for about 10 years.i have only found a few alligator lizards in my whole i obviously dont know where to look for them. I found one crawling around a stump near my grandpas place, and a few in the rock piles up there. I just went to a gravel pit the other week near a cristmas tree farm (out riding dirtbike with a friend) and there might be some stuff out there, but i didnt really have time to check.
03-25-03, 09:40 PM
Nice but my interest is in snakes.
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