View Full Version : Vet results

03-21-03, 08:19 PM
Well, my Cali King who had a bad poop tested negative on parasites, but the vet I go to deworms them since it is a good thing to do once a year or so. I also found out that she weighs exactly 50 grams. We also got a free x-ray. Since she is an albino she is quite transparent so he turned off the lights and used the light over the bench and I saw her heart beating. It was pretty cool. He also checked her heartbeat to see if it was regular, and it was, so, she has a clean bill of health and I don't have to worry anymore!

03-21-03, 08:21 PM
By the way, I went to Dr. Auger located at the Alta Vista Animal Hospital in Ottawa. I reccomend this vet to anyone who has herps because he is a really good veteranarian and knows what he's doing.

03-21-03, 08:42 PM
Congratulations, Andy. You did well in taking a suspect animal to the vet. And you really did well to find one who cares for herps! You are certainly doing the right things for your snake and the rewards will be great. A nice example for us all.

03-21-03, 10:01 PM
Great news that she got a clean bill of health! :D

I second that motion Andy! Daren Auger is an awesome reptile veterinarian. Extremely knowledgeable and kind to both animals and their owners.


03-21-03, 10:28 PM
Glad to hear it, Andy. Always better to be safe than sorry. I wish I could find a vet like that. I can't even find a decent one around here for my dogs and cats!!!

03-21-03, 10:36 PM
Yeah this guy was really nice. I ended up phoning on monday to enquire about prices and such, which the secritaries did not know anything about, so I left a message on his machine and he actually called back when he was supposed to lol. The first referral I got was (wouldn't you know it) my best herp friend Darren Boyd! I asked him before I got any animals and he told me to go to that guy so I took his advice and am very pleased. This was all real reasonably priced at $78.84 Canadian.