View Full Version : Large Ball Pythons

03-21-03, 07:19 PM
In the past i had a rescue ball python, whos size was nearly 6 feet, not quite but close. i just picked up a new HUGE ball python. i would guess its size to be 4+ feet. im not sure, its maybe 5.5 at max, but its very hard to tell. i hope to get a measurement tonight. it is 16 months old according from the guy i purcchased it from. and its an amazing animal. its very very thick for its size. it weighed in at 4 pounds, and since it hd not eaten in over a month, thats rather light compared to its normal weight. well just to see, any of you got pythons that old who are of such a size? please feel free to post pics of your big ones, i will have pics by tuesday hopefully, and an accurate measurement tomorow. thanks.

03-21-03, 07:26 PM
well i just got a rather rough size measurement. 4 feet, with its thickness i had over estimated its size, but beleive me its a big girl......

03-21-03, 07:27 PM
4+ feet and 4 pounds at 16 months, not likey. It must be much older then that.

03-21-03, 07:38 PM
no, this guy knew what he was talking about, he said it was around one year 4 months or a few months older max. they get all the age info when they get them. its just a giant, im not sure but power feeding may have occuredand it was actually a bit closer to 3.75 pounds, but i rounded up. i think it was exactly 3.86.
i thought the guy who sold it to me was a total reptile ******, but we got to talking and he knows as much as most of you "experts" we had some interesting conversations about boas and such. i trust his info.

03-21-03, 09:09 PM
I agree, even with powerfeeding, there is no way a ball python is that big at 16 months of age.

03-21-03, 09:19 PM
the point of this thread, is to tell you just how big of a giant this girl is. she s a massive beast. and he said 3 months more max. so it could possibly be 19 months. i trust the guys info. and even if this were a 6 year old. its still one massive bp.
anyone got pics of their big ones?

03-21-03, 09:42 PM
This is my biggest male. He is just over 4' and at the time of the pic he weighed about 1895g. Last night he weighed 2200g or so.
It's not one of mine but it is the biggest ball I've ever seen.

03-21-03, 09:58 PM
how many feet is that second pic? its frickin huge. mines not near as long as that, but its about as thick. and mind you it has not eaten in a month.

03-21-03, 10:01 PM
If I remember correctly it is suposed to be 6+.

03-21-03, 10:04 PM
wow, its long all right. i could not tell becuase its tail went off camera. thanks for sharing that pic.

03-21-03, 10:28 PM
I don't think 4 pounds is out of the question but would require power feeding. I saw a post lately with a Markus Jayne produced 2002 MALE Pastel Jungle that was 1600 grams (~3.5 pounds) at under a year.


03-21-03, 11:07 PM
its just not likely to happen. but this thing is not fat. i was holding it and feling for fat reserves on its sides and they are almost all depleted. trust me this thing is one of thos giants. i hope it gets thicker as it gets longer. its got a way to go.

03-22-03, 11:07 AM
where is your pic ball 5000 can't wait to see it?

03-22-03, 01:35 PM
i dont own a digi cam so any pics will have to be on a pic cd.

03-22-03, 03:32 PM
I agree that there is almost no way that a ball is 4ft at less than two years old. I'll believe it when i see it. Remember, don't believe everything that pet stores tell you.

03-22-03, 03:52 PM
Get some pics BallPython5000! And post a mug while you're at it!

04-06-03, 10:47 PM
http://www.ssnakess.com/photopost/data/500/954891412lbballpython-med.jpg now this is a pic I found on the net and say,s 12 pound ball now I dont know about that butt it look,s big 2 me lol

04-07-03, 12:25 AM
Here's my big male ball Marvin. He'll be 2 years old in May and is 4.5+ feet in length. He has been fasting for 5 months so he's a little thin looking in the pic...

<center><img src="http://www.ssnakess.com/photopost/data/513/22me-marvin02.jpg"></center>

Originally posted by BoidKeeper
4+ feet and 4 pounds at 16 months, not likey. It must be much older then that.

Totally likely. My big male was around 4' at that age ;) He was not powerfed, fed once a week until about 10 months of age where he became finicky. He eats when he wants to (usually every 2-4 weeks), but has been fasting for the past 5 months :rolleyes: He came from Mike Perry's huge girl... I think she weighed in at close to 12 lbs... I can't remember... :confused:

04-07-03, 04:35 AM
honduranfreek, i agree that is not nearly 12 pounds. Linds thanks for showing everyone that it is possible, and it does happen. im not sure if mine is male or female though. it has a long tail that shrinks at the beginning of the vent. all that leads me to think its female, but at the end it has a very blunt tip. its pretty confusing, it may be male. good news pics will be here soon so maybe you guys can help. linds, nice ball python!


04-07-03, 04:45 AM
quote Leo-Land:
Get some pics BallPython5000! And post a mug while you're at it!

Ever since you heard my sexy voice you have just been itchin for a nice mugshot to gaze at huh? calm urself jeff, the time will come!

04-07-03, 09:11 PM
Nice ball pythons guys.


04-09-03, 04:24 PM
I would definitely believe it. My male is 2.5 feet at 6 months.

04-10-03, 08:16 PM
Originally posted by ballpython5000
quote Leo-Land:
Get some pics BallPython5000! And post a mug while you're at it!

Ever since you heard my sexy voice you have just been itchin for a nice mugshot to gaze at huh? calm urself jeff, the time will come!

I seriously cannot wait ball. After we talked that night... *sigh*


05-07-03, 11:31 AM
I heard[i dont know if its true]when you keep a snake in a small cage it never exeeds the siz of the cage. Theres proof on both sides because i always see big retics and burms geting so big they break and get out of there cages but i seen people have balls that are in a 10 gallon and never get big enogh to do the same.

05-07-03, 12:59 PM
A Ball kept in a small cage who stays small...that's called abuse and neglect. Whatever size the animal's genes tell it to grow to is what it will grow to. If you stick a baby human in a dog kennel for life, will it stay that size? *growling*

I HATE HATE HATE to hear people say this. There is NO TRUTH to it, and it only encourages people to buy animals that will get bigger than thay can handle, and keep them cramped in little cages for their own convenience, with no concern for the welfare of the animal! BPs get big, Monitors get bigger, Iggies get bigger that that, and Burms get even bigger than Igs. If you can't house them properly, DON'T BUY THEM!! It makes me SICK to think that people would do something as STUPID as keeping a Ball in a 10 gallon tank for life!! I love my girls and I would never TORTURE them that way!! Anyone who does that should be stuffed into a cardboard box and made to stay that way forever!!!

*pant, pant*

Ok, rant over. Breathing now...

- Victoria :w

05-07-03, 01:04 PM
agreed! be careful she is a mainer she will tear your head off, its their nature. who the heck told you that? jesus they are not fish! they will grow to 3.5+ feet regardless. as that will do is stress them and make them mad. please tell me you dont own snakes?

05-07-03, 02:23 PM
Hey dont think feel its good either the guy i was talking about he gave me his snake because he didnt know how to take care of it i would never do that. I have ben keepig snakes for 5 years and I never heart a animal or put them in harms way.

05-07-03, 02:27 PM
ok good

05-12-03, 06:14 PM
I know its off the subject and all but do you feed a 1 month old BP a hopper?

05-12-03, 08:17 PM
Killaclown: All snakes are different sizes from eachother at different ages just like humans. Its best to feed your snake prey that is the same size as the largest part of your snakes girth :) However, most ball pythons hatch out at the size to take hopper or adult mice so you are most likely feeding it a good size :)

05-13-03, 11:58 AM

05-13-03, 04:02 PM
Thats nuts theres no way i could beleive it being that big at a 16 months,at least not without seeing it! post a pic
