View Full Version : question about white lipped

03-20-03, 03:01 PM
my white lipped seems to always shed in parts is that normal or maybe humidity isnt high enough the skin looks very thin not like any other python i own
if anybody has a any suggestion they are more than welcome

temps is around 29 and humidity is ranging from 60 to 90

19 other snakes live in the same room and never had any problem shedding

Hamster of Borg
03-20-03, 03:38 PM
They are a higher humidity species, and the humidity should be as constant as you can keep it. You don't want it -wet- but you want it humid. I keep mine exactly the way I keep my blood python and haven't had any problems with sheds. Misting a couple times a day as soon as you notice him go into blue would also help. Their scales in general seem to be much finer than other species - which is probably one of the reasons why they're in a 'freak' genus all by themselves.


Herp guy
03-20-03, 04:01 PM
Um, well yes check the humidity but also check your temp. It could just be youre own snake and it has really no problems at all

Kyle Walkinshaw
03-21-03, 08:39 AM
Anytime I have any shedding problems I just put the snake, whatever it is in a rubbermaid with lots of small ventalation holes and just put dow one sheet of paper towel and a water dish. Put a heat pad under the water dish and leave overnight and then the next morning you find a perfectly shed skin.