View Full Version : Size of your yearling Jcp's

Bryce Masuk
03-20-03, 01:53 PM
My female right now is roughly 33 inches she eats like nuts never refused a meal about a month or a month and 1/2 ago i bumped her up to adult mice I was wondering what everybody elses yearling jcps are eating and there size I just want to know if she is a big girl average or small I think she is big but i havnt owned anyother jcp's then her

03-20-03, 02:31 PM
Not sure of the averages. Way too many variables to keep track of. But here's one that's 16 months old and is 60 inches (5 feet). But slender. Like a milksnake, JCP's often put all their growth in to length (sometimes). Oh yeah, and all but the runtiest of JCP's can pretty much take adult mice right out of the egg. Or at the very least, fuzzy rats.

Take it easy...



03-20-03, 02:54 PM
hey, if your IR is eating frozen adult mice, i would switch to a rat about the same size as what shes eating now, probably a fuzzy rat. Rats are much better than mice

Bryce Masuk
03-20-03, 04:23 PM
Ha i guess she isnt so big. she isnt a yearling yet but soon she will be i would feed her fuzzy rats but i cant get them locally i am going to breed them soon once i set up the new cage next week or so

03-20-03, 11:27 PM
33 inches aint too bad for a yearling. if it's on rats that size will be a distant memory by next year.

Bryce Masuk
03-21-03, 12:01 AM
heh yeah ill put her on rats she will probley have to eat small ones since a big adult mouse leaves a bulge in her for a day still and i dont need to power feed her

03-22-03, 06:11 PM
the bulge isn't a problem...why do you say that?

Bryce Masuk
03-22-03, 11:08 PM
I am saying that if i feed larger then what leaves a bulge in her now i doubt she will keep it down

03-23-03, 01:27 PM
My JCP is about 3ft and hes downin full size mice and small rat weanlings, sometimes he gets surplus gerbils to.. youd be surprised what they can eat and even though they are so slender mine has never refused a meal or had one that was to big.. I just love how he eats upside down hanging from the tree branches.. :)

03-23-03, 10:03 PM
When I see a big buldge in carpets, it's a good thing. Carpets can take big meals, and there are no ill effects from larger meals as long as you space them accordingly. the 'appropriate sized meal' is larger for carpets than other snakes of similar size.