03-19-03, 08:44 PM
HI ,
this cage is being built for me,
here's the comments from the Builder about the material he uses .
{{Hello Doug,
I dont mind you posting at all, feel free to show it off your cage as it pleases you. I would however appreiciate not distributing plans on how to make it.
The 6'L x 3'-6"W x 2'H = 42 cubic feet / 21 square feet without shelf
As For materials, I searched out the best anyone could buy. The hardwood is all hand picked and color matched.
The plywood used is 15 ply russian birch which is made with water proof glue but only cages 5 feet and under as it is only availible in ¾"x5'x5' sheets.
Your 6'x3'-6"x2' utilizes 13 ply russian birch which is made in the same fashion.
Divide 15 or 13 into ¾ to find the layer thicknesses and you will see how to validate stating "waterproof". Not that it wont turn colors if no finish is used in coating it, thats one reason for laminating the interior with or and soon to come colors. Which provides great eye candy, maximum protection, clean up ease, and even better yet its properties on absorbing heat. Otherwise a good paint job or stain and clear works just fine or even just Thomson water sealer for added protection.
The Plexiglass used is ¼" extruded with very high heat toloerance for heat before even seing shape deformation....I know... someone kicked my space heater against my personal fully laminated plywood cage and it was there atleast 6 hours before I noticed it with extreme rage. You can barley notice the tiny bulge & I did get it a little staightened out by pressing a flat object on it while it was hot. Never the less, I was impressed on how it held up under the circumstances.
The ¼" steel mesh screen is special order heavy duty & galvinized. Any rough spots are deburred or thrown away and then its painted with high quality appliance paint which provides a non abrasive & slick durable coating. Black is standard..other colors can be specified as long as they are dark colors.... (cant see through the light colors)
On the plywood cages I use galvinized heavy duty keyed clasps that can be painted.
On oak cages Brass is the norm.
When assembly time comes you will see its pretty easy to setup the 6 basic parts (7 w/shelf). I will send instructions with the cage itself for reference. All that is required for assembly is a square drive screwdriver or screwgun.
Keep in mind, the front, back ,sides & shelf can be swapped out for color changes and/or other part types.( Example: swapping lauan sides out for shatterproof glass cut locally. Ordering a new shelf with specailized cutout that has been thought up during a new setup game plan in existing enclosure....ect)
Nick Cucchiara}} Mr flippinrocks is also his login here.
Here's an almost finished picture of the cage, this cage is designed to be the base unit for a second cage that will be stacked on top. same exact model no wheels.
I have a thremostat two cermiac che's and a double thermometer and humidty measuring device I plan to instal in this cage the cage is easily assembled with a few bolts. the interior is a special formica that makes cleaning a breeze.
I'll let you know how this works after a couple weeks burn in without snakes.
See the special vents that are made out of plexi glass pieces that can be added or removed to improve air flow or reduce same.
here's the builders web page it stil under contruction
this cage is being built for me,
here's the comments from the Builder about the material he uses .
{{Hello Doug,
I dont mind you posting at all, feel free to show it off your cage as it pleases you. I would however appreiciate not distributing plans on how to make it.
The 6'L x 3'-6"W x 2'H = 42 cubic feet / 21 square feet without shelf
As For materials, I searched out the best anyone could buy. The hardwood is all hand picked and color matched.
The plywood used is 15 ply russian birch which is made with water proof glue but only cages 5 feet and under as it is only availible in ¾"x5'x5' sheets.
Your 6'x3'-6"x2' utilizes 13 ply russian birch which is made in the same fashion.
Divide 15 or 13 into ¾ to find the layer thicknesses and you will see how to validate stating "waterproof". Not that it wont turn colors if no finish is used in coating it, thats one reason for laminating the interior with or and soon to come colors. Which provides great eye candy, maximum protection, clean up ease, and even better yet its properties on absorbing heat. Otherwise a good paint job or stain and clear works just fine or even just Thomson water sealer for added protection.
The Plexiglass used is ¼" extruded with very high heat toloerance for heat before even seing shape deformation....I know... someone kicked my space heater against my personal fully laminated plywood cage and it was there atleast 6 hours before I noticed it with extreme rage. You can barley notice the tiny bulge & I did get it a little staightened out by pressing a flat object on it while it was hot. Never the less, I was impressed on how it held up under the circumstances.
The ¼" steel mesh screen is special order heavy duty & galvinized. Any rough spots are deburred or thrown away and then its painted with high quality appliance paint which provides a non abrasive & slick durable coating. Black is standard..other colors can be specified as long as they are dark colors.... (cant see through the light colors)
On the plywood cages I use galvinized heavy duty keyed clasps that can be painted.
On oak cages Brass is the norm.
When assembly time comes you will see its pretty easy to setup the 6 basic parts (7 w/shelf). I will send instructions with the cage itself for reference. All that is required for assembly is a square drive screwdriver or screwgun.
Keep in mind, the front, back ,sides & shelf can be swapped out for color changes and/or other part types.( Example: swapping lauan sides out for shatterproof glass cut locally. Ordering a new shelf with specailized cutout that has been thought up during a new setup game plan in existing enclosure....ect)
Nick Cucchiara}} Mr flippinrocks is also his login here.
Here's an almost finished picture of the cage, this cage is designed to be the base unit for a second cage that will be stacked on top. same exact model no wheels.
I have a thremostat two cermiac che's and a double thermometer and humidty measuring device I plan to instal in this cage the cage is easily assembled with a few bolts. the interior is a special formica that makes cleaning a breeze.
I'll let you know how this works after a couple weeks burn in without snakes.
See the special vents that are made out of plexi glass pieces that can be added or removed to improve air flow or reduce same.
here's the builders web page it stil under contruction