View Full Version : PLEASE help..I am Desperate!!

03-18-03, 09:25 AM
Hi Guys,
i hope someone can help with my predicament....i've been offered a job opportunity that i can't pass up in asia and i have to leave Canada in December...i have sold most of my pets away already and am only keeping my first python (which happens be be a beautiful IJ and don't think i will have problem selling) and this one guy that was my first ratsnake that i really can't bear to sell...but i guess i am going to have to. No one i know will take him cos' ALL my friends think i am nuts for having them as pets in the first place and the pet shops...well they can't or won't sell them thru the shop for you or do a take in.... all i am asking is if anyone here knows of a good place where i can let him go...what i mean is like a reptile refuge or something or if you know someone who might be interested...i'm not asking much...most important is a good home where i know hes happy... pls help...i know i have until december...but i am getting worried cos'i've been sourcing for the past 3 mths and still nothing has come up. 6feet and eating well...that's my baby..hahaha:)

03-18-03, 09:34 AM
ohh forgot hes a taiwanese beauty...

03-18-03, 09:45 AM
Have you tried

03-18-03, 10:42 AM
i would be glad to take care of it for you wile your gone. i have a collection of about 50 animals and still have room. let me know what you think.


03-18-03, 12:12 PM
I would be more than happy to take him for ya, I will pay for shipping. He would get a great home and would be very happy!

Just let me know what you decide!

03-19-03, 03:58 PM
I am taking them :D

03-19-03, 06:25 PM
If you are willing to ship him to Nova Scotia, I will pay the shipping. I own 21 snakes in all including 2 black rat snakes and a berretts rat snake, so I do have experience with rat snakes. Also I am a member of the Nova Scotia Herp Society, so you would not have to worrie about him being taken care of.
Please let me know what you think.

Thanks Burmies

03-19-03, 08:40 PM
Thanks guys for all the help offered!! i really do appreciate everyone that tried to help...you've taken a load off my back and i really really am appreciative especially to theGino...he'll be taking care of Emanon from april 6th onwards...
btw Emanon is No name backwards..hahaha...so much for originality huh...:)