View Full Version : Perfect shed!!

03-18-03, 09:08 AM
My younger BP just did it! I didn't know BPs could shed in one piece! :p

What's the best way to preserve this for posterity?

- Victoria o>

03-19-03, 05:48 PM
I can say that non of mine have ever shed in one piece.


03-19-03, 09:26 PM
Hey I am going to get a ball soon

Just Me
03-19-03, 09:42 PM
*whew* I was starting to worry about my 2 BPs. They have NEVER shed in one peice. In fact, I've shed more of their skin than they have. Everytime they shed (retain their shed would be more correct!), I spend an hour soaking and peeling, and soaking and peeling.

Sorry Victoria... I've never had a big enough peice of shed to keep... but when (or, if) my BPs ever do it in one peice, I'd probably want to preserve it, too.

Congrats, anyways!!

03-19-03, 09:57 PM
I would try getting you humity up for a fuller shed or atleast one they can get off their selfs. to preserve it you can just unroll it and kinda roll it back up or neatly fold it and put it in a plastic contaner.

Just Me
03-19-03, 10:09 PM
I raised the humidity a bit and my male got a bit of belly rot. It came off with his shed, but I can't seem to get the perfect balance. I'm keeping a little less water in the water dish, and also trying to keep the humidity up. Any other suggestions?

03-19-03, 10:30 PM
Mine have never shed in one piece either, usually about 4. Congrats!

03-20-03, 09:56 PM
only rase the humity over normal levels (50%-60% I use) about a day or two after the eyes turn blue. then after they turn back soak the snake for 20-30 min and it should shead in a few big pieces at least.

Just Me
03-21-03, 12:01 AM
I'll try that next time. Thanks!! :D

Maybe it'll all come off in one and I'll wanna keep it!! ;)