View Full Version : Humidity

03-18-03, 12:09 AM
What level should the humidity be in my incubator?? Also I bought some perlie and it doesn't seem to soak up the water, is there anything I can mix with it??

03-18-03, 12:15 AM
good incubating mediums are Bed-a-Beast (ground coconut husks) or vermiculite. For humidity levels... it USUALLY runs 90 - 100 % Since I am not familiar with breeding lizards, I will leave that for someone else to answer :)

03-18-03, 12:22 AM
I never really checked the humidity level but when my eggs where in my home-made incubator the humidity level seemed high, almost like 80%-100%. I bought a Hova-bator and there seems to be less humidity and there still doin fine.

just make sure that when the eggs start caving in that you raise the humidity and when mol starts growing you lower it.

03-18-03, 12:33 AM
I was told that vermiculite wasn't such a good thing to use due to aspestos (sp?)

03-18-03, 12:57 AM
Asbestos...only in verm from certain mines. There really isn't a risk.
I wouldn't use verm if it's your first time incubating. Yes, it absorbs the water, but is deceptively dry looking.
Try verm, verm/perlite mixture, or ceramic soil.

03-18-03, 01:15 AM
I was thinking of the ceramic soil. I want something that I can tell if it needs a little bit of extra water as this is my first time incubating. Also how meny of you actually had the eggs hatch your first try?? I just don't want to set myself up for them hatching when chances are low that they'll actually hatch my first try. Oh yes is there any tips anyone can give me?? I REALLY want this eggs to make it.

03-18-03, 01:42 AM
I've usually had first eggs hatch no problem.
Just keep things constant, and stable. A well made incubator will help. Buy one if you have to.

03-18-03, 12:33 PM
Buying one this time around is not going to happen. I can't find one that can ship here in less then a week. Also noone in my town sells them, they special order in the 200 egg ones, that's it. So I made one :D

03-18-03, 01:56 PM
Here is a link to a site which decribes how to incubate Leo eggs:

How to Incubate Leo Eggs (http://www.albeysreptiles.com/incubate-eggs.htm)

These are the guidelines I used and they worked for me.

Good Luck,
