View Full Version : New Pics Of A Guyana.

McCarthy Boas
03-17-03, 10:03 PM
Here are some new pictures I just took today of my wild caught female Guyana. These pics do show her true colors. I can not wait to breed her next year and see what I get out of her. Someday I will produce a Guyana that is NEON PURPLE.
Everyone let me know what you think of her?

<img src="http://www.mccarthyboas.com/03_16_2003FemaleGuyanaHead01.JPG">

In this pic, I think she is thinking just get a little closer. PLEASE
She has been a little cranky lately. Well she is a female. LOL
<img src="http://www.mccarthyboas.com/03_16_2003FemaleGuyanaHead02.JPG">

<img src="http://www.mccarthyboas.com/03_16_2003FemaleGuyanaFullBody01.JPG">

03-17-03, 10:11 PM
shes incredible drool

03-17-03, 10:16 PM
Cool, nice looking for a wc, Hows her temperment? and her feeding?

McCarthy Boas
03-17-03, 10:40 PM
Hi rethius,

She eats 1 frozen thawed rat every 2 weeks.
I got her to eat frozen thawed rats on the very first time I tried to feed her.
Her temperament is ok most of the time. Just have to leave her alone when she is going to shed and a day or two after she eats.

Here is a picture of her just after I got her.
<img src="http://www.mccarthyboas.com/NewFemaleGuyanaHeadShot112002.JPG">

03-17-03, 10:54 PM
Pretty little girl, good luck with her :)

Originally posted by rethius
Cool, nice looking for a wc,

I'm a bit confused. It is virtually impossible to tell an animals origin based on appearance. You can suspect that an animal is WC/LTC based on excessive scarring, etc... however this is still not a sure way since the animal could've just been in the wrong hands. But as for colour/pattern, there is no way of telling an animals orign based on this. In fact, I would say some of the most stunning BCC I have seen were wild caughts.

03-17-03, 10:59 PM
I agree, I have had some outstanding wc. I ment the absence of scar/mite tissue! Of course there is no way of determing orgin by skin color :)

03-18-03, 04:06 PM
Did theypay you for the commercial you maid for the fan in the news paper?lol.
Beautiful snake;)

Mr Maggot
03-19-03, 04:42 PM
Neon Purple? I want one...! :)

03-20-03, 01:33 AM
Nice, can't wait to see how her litter will look like. Very nice colours!

03-20-03, 09:12 AM
very nice looking female i have a purple male that is solid purple even more then your female i have never seen this much purple i will offer him for a stud to you to make those neon purple babies my female is not ready till next year she's mint but not much purple in her my male is amazing.

McCarthy Boas
03-20-03, 12:37 PM
Hi boa,

I would love to see your male can you post a picture of him on this post?
Maybe we can try and work something out with breeding. Or I may want to buy him from you. Here is a picture of the male I am going to breed her too.

<img src="http://www.mccarthyboas.com/MaleGuyanaFullBodyShot062002.jpg">

Take care,

03-20-03, 01:49 PM
Good luck with your project guys!

03-20-03, 02:25 PM
awesome guyana, very pretty. Her babies should be awesome good luck

03-20-03, 04:42 PM
hello macarthy boa i have a pic in my gallery but it is a little blurry i don't have a cam anymore i sold it.i got him from kahane the male guyana is mint.he looks even better up close i mean there is not tan or brown on this guy at all.sorry no pic

03-20-03, 08:34 PM
I like that dark purple you have in that female hope its sticks in them babies..
Whats up with them BCC boys mine a skinny one to, he rarely eats every 4 weeks the female I have is a PIG... compared to him she'ld eat 2 jumbos every two weeks if I'll let her.
I am gonna try and feed the male again tomorrow if he don't eat missy oink oink will.. hehe

Miss Piggy

here's my male mr Ruddee hunting for his rat sickle
he hasn't grown much the past year or so.. just longer..

McCarthy Boas
03-20-03, 10:33 PM
Hi boa,
Your male looks good from what I can see in your picture.

Hi djnzlab,
Your female look alot like one of my other female Guyanas.
I hope to have some babies from her this year.
She is also a pig to. Here are some pictures of her.
<img src="http://www.mccarthyboas.com/RoseBody02.JPG">

<img src="http://www.mccarthyboas.com/MaleGuyanaBreeding02.JPG">

03-21-03, 12:25 AM
she's gorgeous!! :)

03-21-03, 08:16 AM
well look a those tails very nice.

03-21-03, 05:36 PM
Wow thats a redtail,, jeeze very little white ehh..
How many Guyana do you keep are you a full time breeder or only partime.
you should show off some of your cages , you have the best Ive seen ..

hey I rechecked that pic should this post have an (R) rating????