View Full Version : What should I watch out for?

03-17-03, 06:03 PM
I'm sure you've all read about my new baby who almost froze to death. He's moving around ok now, with toungue in overdrive, and he definitely does NOT want to be confined to his little tupperware!! (he'll only be in there a couple more hours, until I go home. I'm at the BFs house right now). Should he be ok now? Will he be more susceptible to RI because of this? I'm going to feed him in 4-5 days, and give him one more week past that to settle in before I start to handle him. If he's ok by then, he's in the clear, right? I will take him to the vet as soon as I have a fecal to bring along.

I have to say, I'm so IN LOVE!!! He's absolutely gorgeous, and so gentle and calm, even after the ordeal he went through! He's longer than I thought - about three feet, I guessing - but much thinner than my two BPs, who are slightly shorter. Is he too thin? I'll weigh him tonight, and will post pics whenever I am able (will probably be a while). He'a also more active than the BPs by far! Is this just because he's a baby, or are all BCIs so active?

So, my fiance has some definite competition. ;) I love Nick, but this new boa is so much cuter!!!

Now to think of names!! I always give my pets Irish and Scandanavian names, because I'm Irish with a touch of Viking. Any ideas? Something that means "gentle" or "calm," I think.

- Victoria :w

03-17-03, 06:10 PM
Hi Victoria,

Glad to hear that your boa is on the road to recovery. Since he is fairly young, I would take him to a vet for a checkup to look for and treat any possible long-term effects from his ordeal.. better to diagnose and treat it now, than to face a full blown infection down the road.

Bcis are pretty hardy animals, and I would not worry too much. :) I can't think of any names offhand, but I will post if I think of something. Congrats on your new herp!!

03-17-03, 08:26 PM
Most new reptiles are very stressed out because they don't feel safe. Be sure you provide a nice hide and only change the water daily .. Give your snake a few days to acclimate to the new cage and to settle down.
You should review some care sheets about temps humidty, and
never hold after feeding for a couple days this could cause regurge
in a young boa.
I would start feeding pinky thawed rats and stay with an appropiate sized rat item.
they have more food value than mice for boa's and sometimes boa's can be a pain to wein off mice.
good luck with that baby..
free caresheets you can download better than a book

03-17-03, 09:52 PM
A healthy boa will have a sqaure-ish shape. They are round if overweight and if underweight the sides sink in a bit. If he's at 3', then he should be taking at least rat pups and maybe even fuzzies, not pinks, once a week. Our babies here that are just over a year old are only about 32" and take pups (they were teeny babies).

03-17-03, 10:14 PM
great site for finding names