View Full Version : information on burmese python

03-17-03, 03:26 PM
I'm doing a presentation for my biology class with two snakes.One is my burmese python and I would like to get some background information on them.Any info on them bout their anatomy would be great and some info on their native habitat would be great.

Thanks in advance.

03-18-03, 06:27 PM
I cannot believe that no one is going to say this..................

If you own a burmese python, you should already know this information!

This is a point that I having been stating over and over and this person just proved it again! He owns a burmese python and knows basically nothing about it.

OK, damamge done....

there are many sites with general information on caring for a burmese python in captivity.


Fior a care sheet


For more indepth information

03-18-03, 06:45 PM

That site has a lot of good info.

03-19-03, 05:32 AM
damn burm crazy, all i have seen you doing lately is shooting people down. snakeman in the lab burm thread and now him.
just seems kinda mean, i somewhat agree though.

03-19-03, 07:54 AM
Ditto ball pythons post.

03-19-03, 08:32 AM
I see burm_crazy is taking the heat for telling the TRUTH here. Seems no one likes to hear it on this site, but if you buy an animal, NO MATTER what kind it is, you should at least do the research and know more about it than what kind of animal it is. I agree burm_crazy, too many people buy an animal they have no clue about, and sooner or later, they end up at my house, or your house, or some other rescue. If the truth hurts, BP500, maybe you should examine your own self. It was a mild chastisement, with the links the kid asked for.

03-19-03, 08:53 AM
Although I might not have used the exact language and delivery as Burm_Crazy, I do agree entirely with him/her. No matter what kind of pet you have, you should know their background information and native habitat! If you are personally housing an animal, this information is crucial to proper husbandry.

This research should have been done prior to purchasing the snake...

The important thing is that the information is now being processed and hopefully the lesson is learned and research will be done prior to obtaining an animal.

It must feel a bit silly to be asked some questions on your snake and you can't even answer them!!! I know I would feel like a goof!


03-19-03, 09:48 AM
Hmmm.... why is everyone so quick to assume Aaron knows nothing about his snake? From talking to him personally on the chat and MSN, I know he is dedicated and his snake will grow to a ripe old age in his care.

That being said.... I think Aaron is looking for other interesting details on burms that he can provide for his class, beyond this is what I feed him, this is how big he gets, here is where they come from etc.

Aaron: here is a cool anatomy pic for ya: http://www.biologycorner.com/worksheets/snake.html

This is what I usually say about burms when I do educational presentations with them:

Tell the people what it is. Tell them it's given name. I mention the length/weight of the animal when it gets full grown (males vs. females). I'll show people how to differenciate the male and females. Discuss temperment of burms. I tell them where they come from. Tell them what/when they eat in the wild vs. captivity. I'll discuss albinoism if I'm using an albino snake at the time. I'll mention ecology. At the end I'll let people touch and hold the animal if they are interested. (you might not be able to do this in a classroom situation). I'm sure I'm missing a few points!

I hope this helps....


03-19-03, 09:55 AM
i agree, he stated info on their native habitat and anatomy, he never said all info on burms. And thank you Trace, the link was interesting. Now i know about my burms anatomy:)

Snake Lady
03-19-03, 07:18 PM
Hey aaron! i dont know a lot about burms but all i have to say is that dont worry about all those people putting you down..you know your snakes and thats all that matters. You only asked for a little help..and BAM people shut you down..thats not cool..but anyways I bet that a majority of the people that own snakes dont know all the little details on their anatomy that well anyways.

I know i didnt help you that much but i had to put in a good word for you cause i felt bad when i read burm_crazy's post cause he doesnt even know you.

:)Snake Lady:)

03-19-03, 07:36 PM
If you people read what Aaron said, you'd see he asked for ANATOMY AND NATIVE HABITAT so a bio presentation, not general care for HIS burm. I'm 100$ sure Aaron takes GREAT care of his burm and loves her very much, and has read everything there is to read on the subject of their care. However, not many sites have this information. You are jumping on him, which is totally unfair!

Burm_Crazy... all I have been seeing is you getting after everyone for not knowing about their burms. It's one thing to say that they should already have done their research, but another thing to say

This is a point that I having been stating over and over and this person just proved it again! He owns a burmese python and knows basically nothing about it.

OK, damamge done....

While some people deserve to be told straight out that they don't know what they are doing and refuse to take advice from everyone even though they ask for it, is uncool to make such a statement about someone who DOES know about his burm and has never indicated that he didn't.

Okay, I'm done.

03-19-03, 08:58 PM
Thank you Zoe,Trace and Snake Lady for stating what i wanted.
I do know how to care for my burm,know the length and weight she will get too. Know she comes from SE Asia,thailand amoung other places.

All I wanted was more info on them to give a real good presentation, the anatomy was what I really going for cause thats what were studying is how they move,breath and hunt.

Burm_Crazy and BurmBaroness Don't be so quick to judge when you don't know all the details.

03-23-03, 08:28 PM
This bashing is so prevalent on so many of these boards lately I don't understand it--all it does is discourage people from asking questions, thus jeopardizing the snake's welfare. Of COURSE everyone should do their research beforehand! But as we all know there are plenty who don't (or who get caught up in the hype handed to them by the pet shop guy) and they wind up in a bad spot with a delicate snake that needs proper care.

People, please, being judgmental is so counterproductive, not to mention creating a negative vibe that discourages people from visiting these forums!

I thought I had done all my research too but have learned tons more just from checking in with these forums. And might I add, I learned it all from people who responded with INFORMATION not nastiness!

04-16-03, 01:48 AM
no body know's every thing their is to know about burmese python's or any reptile for that matter that's why we have thing's like this site to lear more and new thing's about our reptile's but i some what agree with burm_crazy about knowing about the snake you own meaning nothing to Aaron good luck getting the info your looking for