View Full Version : A new Rescue

03-17-03, 03:23 PM
This is a rescue that I am going to be doing this week, the owner has treated her great and has loved her....she is very very tame and a great pet, he has gottin 4 DWI's and is going spend some time behind bars, and he wants me to take her.

Welp the pics are kinda crapy but there was a ID10T taking them so what can ya expect :)

Thanks for looking!



03-17-03, 03:24 PM
I am going to be working on her new encloser this week! I will try and post pics of it when I can!

By the way that dump of a house is not mine :)

03-17-03, 11:55 PM
After looking after her will you want or be able to give her back. She is real nice

03-18-03, 09:18 AM
He is not asking me to give her back......he wants me to take her for good, so that will not be a problem!

03-18-03, 03:46 PM
It's cool of you taking her ! She's a beauty! Congrats and goodluck :)!

03-18-03, 05:08 PM
sorry about the poor pics...I was in a bad mood, was sick and did not feel like having my picture takin but o well :)