View Full Version : plated lizards

03-16-03, 10:00 PM
hello, i was just wondering where you could find a high quality plated lizard breeder in canada, one that can ship to southern ontario, or is located in southern ontario or the toronto area. so if anyone knows anyone sellin plated lizards, let me know. Thanks


03-16-03, 10:10 PM
I don't believe they have been bred in captivity yet, at least not in Canada.


03-16-03, 10:15 PM
oh okay, but do you know where i can purchase wild-caught ones then

03-16-03, 10:17 PM
you can find them everywhere, I got my sudan at a local petstore. Most carry a couple all the time, because they are so hardy and easy to find the wild.
I advise you not to get a female, they are very difficult to tame :]


03-16-03, 10:33 PM
thanks, that will help me a lot, i think i know where i can get one now. i hadnt seen a plated lizard in any of my local pet stores before so i thought they never had them, but now i know better :p thanks

03-17-03, 03:19 PM
I know boa-mania is supposed to be getting some in soon, I'm waiting for a couple females that I can get for my males! They would probably ship there. By the way, what kind of plated were you planning on getting?

03-17-03, 03:38 PM
okay thanks, i was hoping for a sudan. plated lizard but it all depends on whats available

03-17-03, 03:56 PM
Prehistoric Pets (.com) has one for sale right now.

lol I have a female sudan... she's nuts... crazy critter. Oh well, very cute!
What kind of setup are you foreseeing? If it's quite big, I might consider selling my female... she's a sweety, and in adequate housing, but I'd love for her to have more room.

Lemme know!


03-22-03, 05:32 PM
I got a Ornate plated lizard that was a rescue and hes cool as ever even though he has some missin toes hes doing great since i brung him home.. Hes 16 inches fron nose to tip of tail and hes got some real pretty color to him on his sides alittle red and yellow.. Hes a real blast as he plays alot at night , he pops in and out of his hide house and flips the water dish up and crawls under that and pops his face out as if to say (here i am , peek-a-boo.. ) hes easy to handle and will sit on my lap when out.. Hes also a real pig when it comes to eatting time. he gets fruit and veggies, leaf lettuce, canned cat food, night crawlers-earth worms, crickets, and pinkie mice.. They really are a nice lizard and to many of them have been over looked just because they have no bright colors to them.. "Stumpy" is one happy camper in his new home.. His cage is 3ft long by 2ft wide.. He also loves to swim and soak in his water dish..