View Full Version : Maximum size of Salvadorii…

Steeve B
03-15-03, 02:31 AM
This is a matter of debate for many; it may very well be true that specimens of 10-12 or even 14 feet have been discovered? Personally I have dough about this, until recently my dough where based on biology, it made no sense to me that a monitor with a body size of a 6-7 feet water monitor who’d be arboreal, there who’d be too many disadvantage for such a monitor up in the canopy. Now I who’d understand if Salvadorii who’d have a transit life, like many species when adult move to the ground and have a terrestrial life, but this is not the case, many peoples who’d see then frequently, to my knowledge Salvadorii are very elusive and only a few individuals have seen them in nature. Until 3 months ago it was my believe that Salvadorii who’d taper out at about 8-9 feet, today with new information I really think any salvadori bigger then this who’d be exceptional. 3 month ago an 8 feet male was trapped; this male has the biggest head ever seen in any monitor species, possibly matched only by the biggest Komodo. Obviously this is a very old male, this indicates that skull continue to grow even after full body size has been archived, for your information almost 18 years ago I got a west Borneo salvator at 44inches, today the same animal is 44inches and I have no idea of its age, but he looks very good and shoes a bigger head then when acquired. Now why who’d a WC adult male be stunted or stop growing?
I know many Varanophil that keeps this species, they claim that for unknown mysterious reasons WC Salvadorii don’t attain there maximum size in captivity, to me its clear they don’t because they cant attain the mythical TL claimed by Dr Pop, in any case if some of my guys do reach a giant size I will let you know about it. My 11 year old male is still 7.8 feet TL since 1996 and he’s fed every other day. Kind regards
;) :) :p :) ;) :p