View Full Version : Hello all....

03-14-03, 07:15 PM
I, like Bry, just signed up here at ssnakess. Some of you may know me from reptilehaven.net.

I just wanted to check out this site, and see what I think. Frankly, the few times I have stopped in here, the information that was being given was incorrect. I am curious if that was a one time thing, or all the time?

Anyway, maybe I will see ya around......

03-14-03, 08:57 PM
o.O well, everyone plays their part and has differnt opinons - but that's what the community is for - to help eachother and learn new things. :) welcome to the site!

03-14-03, 09:23 PM

Hey I see you are new, And you saw the info you see here is incorrect.

thats a very broad claim to make. How about giving a few examples so that maybe we can all learn from your vast knowledge.

Not everyone knows everything about everything. Thats why we have sites like this so we can all learn, and discuss things. I've done much research on the internet and seen alot elsewhere that is wrong. Its possible someone picked some of this info and passed it along here. by all means if you see someone passing on info you know to be wrong, post something correcting it, just don;t say "hey there is alot of wrong stuff here"

Welcome to the site, and don;t take anything I've said personally. Just correct the bad info, instead of just saying its wrong.

03-14-03, 09:42 PM
lol who is this guy and what rock did he crawl out from under?

03-14-03, 09:58 PM
Okay guys, we dont need these kinds of problems.

03-14-03, 10:18 PM
Geez, somebody woke up with a crabby attitude :p. lol jk jpaulson... Welcome to the site! I hope you have a good time here ;).

03-14-03, 10:29 PM
Welcome, japulson.

03-14-03, 10:37 PM
Hi Jpaulson. Hope you have better luck obtaining the info you want to hear in the future.

03-14-03, 10:38 PM
At any of the reptile sites that I visit, I learn from all that make posts and comments. People will give out good information, and others will give out bad information. "Newbies" come to these sites looking for information and help. It really frustrates me when someone will make a reply and give out totally wrong information. The only one that suffers are the reptiles. Thats who I look after--the helpless reptiles that are being mis-treated by ill-advised, yet well intended, people. Please understand, I do not claim to know it all--I learn more everyday.

I have seen errors on OTHER sites as well, for the record. Someone asked for examples, so here are a few....
1. People recommending that to remove a retained eye cap, use tape?
2. Recommending that people should breed burmese pythons---there are WAY to many out there without good homes; why make more?

These were comments that I had seen on the few times I had come to this site, yet I had not signed up. Please understand, I was not trying to attack anyone or this site. I signed up to see and hear from other knowledgable herpers, and to help those that are not that well informed yet, or are just getting into this hobby.

Matt_K, I am hoping your comment was in reference to Misters post. I would hate to think that just because someone has an opinion that may not agree with everyone else, that that would be construed as a problem.

And no Rachel, I did not wake up crabby---I let her sleep in!! LOL
(Hows the hair dye?)

03-14-03, 10:38 PM
ya really, his comment may not have been neccesary, but we shouldve just ignored it and gave him a warm welcome........so, welcome!

03-14-03, 10:47 PM
I think ignoring is something many people do well, snakemann87, but that is not the answer...that just creates more questions...

03-14-03, 10:52 PM
i mean ignoring a remark that isnt neccesary, but when it comes to advice it shouldnt be ignored. I know what you may say, but when you gave me advice, advice is just advice, it doesnt mean you always take it.

03-14-03, 11:02 PM
Young man, you just contradicted yourself.

"Advice shouldn't be ignored" in one sentence and "advice is just adivce, it doesn't mean you always take it", in another.

You cannot have it both ways! We know you asked for advice and then blantently ignored it and went and did what you wanted anyway. We are still advising you not to purchase any more animals until you get some more first hand experience with the ones you already have, but know what? I know you will have a big lizard of some kind within the next month or so.

I have followed your escapades here and I must say 745 posts in 30 days is quite impressive. But that doesn't give you experience. Adn I saw earlier that you posted adivce on someone buying a giant snake, what a hippocrit you are. We told you not to do it, you did, now you are telling others not to do it!

Where do you get off doing that?

03-14-03, 11:04 PM
i never said not to, find where i did, im not getting into a fight like over at the other site, i stuck up for you, and you come back rude. I simply said make sure you do TONS of research, now i dont know were you got me telling him not to get a big snake out of that, but id like to know.

03-14-03, 11:05 PM
Welcome JP.

03-14-03, 11:05 PM
and i meant advice shouldnt be ignored, you should at least consider it, but you dont have to take it.

03-14-03, 11:11 PM
OK, I'll bite. But these are common in most herp sites, not esclusive to this one.

Frankly, the few times I have stopped in here, the information that was being given was incorrect. I am curious if that was a one time thing, or all the time?
Seems like a pretty straight forward question. It is a general observation and was not directed to anyone or any post in particular.

Not everyone knows everything about everything. Thats why we have sites like this so we can all learn, and discuss things.
Very true. But I do see people with no experience in a particular subject regurgitating information that they read online or heard from someone. Forgive me, but that is not knowledge. Hey, this is the internet and anyone with a computer can post a caresheet or advice. That does no make it right.

by all means if you see someone passing on info you know to be wrong, post something correcting it
That is often interpreted as a "flame". Particularly if the person has posted bad info int he past, you are suddenly "stalking" them.

lol who is this guy and what rock did he crawl out from under?
Very unneccessary comment considering you don't know the answer. Often it is better to ask a person's experience than implying that it is a "nobody".

Okay guys, we dont need these kinds of problems
I saw it as making an observation.

I got to move along,NEXT
**Slapping forehead***
Then what was the point of a freaking reply?

Young man, you just contradicted yourself.
And all the other crap that came after that from both sides. This is not the point of the post, but it is a valid point. Just not for this thread and it should stay focused. I will not delve into this debate, because I do not want to ba labled as an RTBer or RHer ot KS or any other crap. I speak my mind no matter where I go. And if someone does or says somethin on one site and then comes to another and does the opposite, i see no problem will calling them on it as long as it is done properly. But I guess I am now guilty of going off topic.

my comment was directed towards Mister Sinisters remark
Jumping ahead (since I hit enter too soon and had to edit ;) ) Very good Matt. I must say that most of the Admins and Mods here are pretty level headed. But just like anyone else, we are all human and just like any other site, i have seen power exerted needlessly. I just had to address it ealier.

Ya'll know me and there is lot more to be said, But I had afull day of envenomation training to give today and I have 2 more days of it, so I am tired and it is late. I hope what I did have time to say made sense.

03-14-03, 11:12 PM
I stand corrected. You didn't tell them not to get the burm.

So I was wrong on that point.

My rant here is about you going off and spewing advice that you yourself chose to ignore and dismiss. By doing so, I feel that you have no right to give advice on this topic. And the fact that you have no experience with burm other than the month or so you have had yours, means that you cannot possibly have enough experience to give advice.

Reading books and caresheets doesn't give one experience.

03-14-03, 11:12 PM
i agree with everything you just stated

03-14-03, 11:16 PM
my comment was directed towards Mister Sinisters remark. But it also is a general comment.. I would hate to see a new member NOT recieve a warm welcome from our great members.

03-14-03, 11:26 PM
Hello jpaulson, welcome to sSnakeSs.

03-14-03, 11:39 PM
BW, i dont think anyone had to twist your arm to bite. :D hehehe. Just playin with ya bro.

03-14-03, 11:51 PM
Thanks to all those that welcomed me to this site.

I get irate when people with no true knowledge try to give advice...we all know who suffers in the long run. Reading books do not make you knowledgable. Having 5 yellow stars instead of 5 white stars does not make you knowledgable. Being dubbed a venomous instead of a neonate does not make you knowledgable. Just because you have thousands of posts, does not make you knowledgable.

Knowledge is experience. Knowledge is knowing you don't know it all. Knowledge is knowing that telling someone to use tape to remove a retained eyecap just because it worked for you, does not mean it is correct. Knowledge comes from all of the above, and at the same time, none of it.

Yes, snakemann87, advice is exactly that--advice. What a person chooses to do with the advice is what knowledge is all about. You repeatedly asked questions, and after getting the same answers from many people, people you knew were knowledgable, you chose to disregard it. Not just once or twice, but just about all the questions you asked. Our hearts went out to your snakes and their well being. Now you are here, and trying to give advice on subjects that you are not that knowledgable on.

I say again to all, please sift through any advice you may receive to a question. Get second opinions, do other research, or call an exotics vet. I would hate to get another rescue come in, especially one from a person that took someone's advice on retained eyecaps, and now has a snake with no eyes!!

03-14-03, 11:51 PM
Hi JPaulson and welcome to the group :)

Yes, there may be some incorrect info in the forums but this is true of any website out on the net. I have yet to encounter one that all the members give perfect information on. That being said, I still firmly believe that this is the best herp site out there for many reasons and the most important being the atmosphere between members. This is the greatest herp community I've ever belonged to and I sincerely hope you feel the same way in time.


03-15-03, 06:09 PM
Hey jp, it's all good man! It kinda faded out a little last night :\. But it's awesome :D

03-15-03, 06:38 PM
OH NO!!! HE"S HERE!!! Roflmao. Just kidding, JP, glad to see ya as always, man.

03-15-03, 07:46 PM
hi jp!!!!!!! welcome.. ill give ya a warm welcome :) hope to see ya around :)

03-15-03, 08:05 PM
Thanks, babe. For my first post, I sure did kick up some dust?!

Colin Friesen
03-15-03, 08:17 PM
HEY GUYS!! isn't this New to the forums??

Colin Friesen
03-15-03, 08:18 PM
Welcome jpaulson!!

03-15-03, 08:22 PM
lol yeah jp :)

03-15-03, 08:52 PM
welcome JP!

I agree all the information here isn't correct, but it's the same everywhere. I have yet to see a forum or caresheet that contained ALL CORRECT information, mind you some of it is subjective. The two examples you gave (tape to remove eyecaps and breeding burms) are opinions shared by few on this site. However I don't think coming here and in your first post telling us that most of what we say is crap, is cool. At least wait until you see something wrong in a post, and correct it (politely, of course, as a lot can be percieved as "flaming").
But honestly, what reaction did you expect from such a post? "Yes, you're right, we're wrong. please correct all our mistakes."?

Anyway, welcome to the site. Hopefully you can find the information you need somewhere, whether it be here or elsewhere.


03-16-03, 12:11 AM
I never said that all the information given out here is "crap". I also never claimed that this was the only site that gave out incorrect information.

Ya know, I simply gave a few examples of the FEW times that I have previously been on this site--and yes, the information that I had read was incorrect, or better put, ill-advised. Chances are, they were from new people that are giving thier advice and well intentions--yes, you will see that at ALL sites. I can understand why people got so upset, but that was not my intention.

As I may of said before, I speak my mind, and give my opinion--that is who I am. My intentions were to say hi, and why I decided to sign up--to get a BETTER idea of what this site is about. I am not going to let a few bad apples spoil the basket, or however that metaphor goes :) If I offended anyone, I apologize. But, I speak the truth--some people can handle it, some cannot.

I do enjoy this site, in the short time I have been here. I do not enjoy getting "attacked" because I spoke the truth. Kudos go to those that did welcome me, and wished me luck in the future--that was all that was really needed.

03-16-03, 12:20 AM
Oh I agree with you, it is good to say what you mean, but there is a fine line between percieved as an open, outspoken person, and a jerk. I'm not saying you are or anything, because it's GREAT to have learned people who know what they are talking about join the site, but it isn't hard to percieve someone who is asking if we are always wrong, or only occaisionally, as such.

I don't think anyone was really attacking you, but like I said, what reaction were you expecting? "Yeah, we're always wrong"?

Anyway, it doesn't really matter, what's said was said. Hopefully you will stay here, and correct those of us who are wrong.


03-16-03, 03:27 AM
I guess I really wasn't thinking of what reaction I would get. To me, the comment was honest and forthright; I never gave it another glance. My bad.

Anyway, onwards and upwards!!

03-17-03, 12:54 AM
Hiya J! It was nice to see you again (In Tennessee, I mean, LOL). It is also nice to see you here, too :)

03-21-03, 06:42 PM
Welcome to SsnakesS.
