View Full Version : made up my mind.... getting a boa next
Hi, I've been doing allot of looking around lately and have been debaiting with myself for a while about what my next snake will be.... I really like my carpet but he's not very social, so I don't get much opportunity to interact with him. Once he's fed I usually don't see him again for about 1 or 2 weeks when he comes out of his hide to drop a load and shed.... then he'll stay out till next feeding time which is about a week after he comes out cuzz I want some time to take him out and handle him. Anyways.... my point is Im looking for more of a social snake. I've been reading allot about other peoples boa's and allot say there boa's actually like to be handled and seem to enjoy being out and interacted with...... I know there's a few nut cases out there, but for the most part would most boa owners agree???
Im really looking for a Suriname....... so if anyone knows of any good breeders please let me know. I know boa mania has some but I don't think they'll ship to the U.S.
Also, how much is 400 Canadian in American dollars???
Thanks in advance.
Big Mike
03-14-03, 12:50 PM
About three :rolleyes:
Mar.14, 2003 269.87 US dollars (noon) rate: 0.6747 (1.4822)
That can't be right........ maybe I said it wrong....
How much would 400 Canadian dollars be in American dollars????
Oh wait........ I didn't see the 269
Firstly, no snakes enjoy being handled by us pesky humans, nor are they sociable. They are solitary animals, and if they seem to enjoy us, it is becuase of different reasons such as our heat output, escape notions, etc. Some are simply more tolerant of being handled than others, but we must not anthromophize these animals to death and lose understanding of their behaviours. Second observation I made from your post was that you feed your snake every 3 weeks, less than your snake wants, becuase you want more time to handle him. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but that's how it came across. If your snake comes out of his hiding its most likely because he's looking for a meal, hence he should be fed, not handled for a week more. Typically snakes should be fed every 7-14 days, depending on the species and indivdual (excluding large python species such as burms, retics, etc).
For the most part, I've found more BCC to be very sensitive temperament-wise than not. I wouldn't consider them to be a laid back species. LOL... and none of my BCC even appear to enjoy being handled at all, in fact its quite the opposite with them :rolleyes: Some seem to mature into very laidback animals, but for the most part I would have to say they are a more sensitive species. BCI tend to be a lot more laidback, if handled as babies, but again, I've seen quite a few agressive BCI as well.
I don't live in the states, so I cannot recommend any breeders/brokers from personal experience. However, I have am familiar with the type of animals, and communicated with several breeders/brokers and private hobbyists that have been able to deal with them firsthand, so I can pass on what I have drawn from that. Not all are breeders, some are brokers, all produce/sell amazing looking animals, and hold great reputations :) I'm sure someone will be able to add many more to the list, but these are the ones that I feel comfortable listing...
<a href="">Ben Siegal</a>
Central Florida Reptile Breeders
<a href="">Bill Cagle</a>
Also, two private hobbyists that occassionally offer some absolutely stunning animals for sale (I would jump on them in a second if I had the chance) post under the names CE, and petersboas, on that other site ;)
Mr Maggot
03-14-03, 02:51 PM
There are many good boa breeders in the United States, offering snakes at good prices. Osome that i know the most are Bob Clark and Proexotics
03-14-03, 03:13 PM
Dvs, You might check this site I know Jason had a pair of surinames he was trying to sell. They are located in Ill. also.
Frankie: your link doesn't work.... thanks though.
Linds: I understand what your saying.... I apologize for not using a better choice of words. I know it sounded like I was being selfish and putting my wants ahead of the snakes but that's really not the case.... on average, he (Angelo) does eat about every 2 weeks, but "sometimes" I do hold out on him so that I can handle him..... and when I say "so I can handle him" I don't mean just for fun and my own personal enjoyment. I do it so he doesn't get used to just being left alone all the time.... he's never tried to bite so far... and I would like to do my best to keep it that way, and the only way I know how besides being very careful is to get him used to being handled, which is kind of hard to do if all he want's is to eat, hide, sleep, and grow....... If I felt like he was in anyway shape or form being underfed I deffinitly would do something about it.
And I do realize most snakes (if not all) don't "enjoy" being handled.... again, just a bad choice of words.... but I think you got the point..... As you put it "Laidback" is a much better description of what I was looking for.
03-14-03, 04:21 PM
Try this link:
- Victoria :w
Bryce Masuk
03-15-03, 12:08 AM
Hmmm I have never seen any one put hides with any type of carpet python mine eats like nuts and she has nothing but a stick and a water bowl in her tub she used to have a spider plant but she thought she would rip it in about 4 pieces
03-15-03, 05:54 PM
your looking in canada for a boa??? Man I wish I could get more from the states! Damm CITES
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