View Full Version : to BCI or not to BCC

03-14-03, 12:26 PM
hey, is there a more common name for BCI and BCC?

i know that these are abbreviations for latin terms "boa constrictor imperatus" and "boa constrictor constrictor", but i am always confused...

03-14-03, 03:34 PM
The common names are quite messed up for both. Many people call BCI redtails, but this is completely inaccurate. <a href="http://www.ssnakess.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=11453">Click here</a> for a previous thread on the topic. This should answer your question.

Originally posted by gunslinger
i know that these are abbreviations for latin terms "boa constrictor imperatus"

Actually BCI is "Boa Contrictor Imperator" ;)