View Full Version : Design my new Reptarium!

03-13-03, 06:36 PM
Okay guys, I need your help. I have decided to build a new reptarium. Demensions are 4' X 3' X 5'. It will be built using 2x2's as a wood shell and with complete screen everwhere else. Can you suggest some creative ideas to decorate it? I am thinking the standard deadwood tree and good substrate, but I am no interior decorator! I plan to rotate some of the kids in and out monthly (the ones that like to climb), so were looking at lot of different snakes using the enclosure at one time or another (note most like to climb, but I have no Cook's boa or the like). Please send me your ideas and I will try to incorporate them in the landscape. BTW, I have already planned on a cherb statue and a running brooke fountain. Thanks!

P.S. I realize that an enclosure of this size will be hard to regulate, but I have it covered. They will have a couple heat pads and multiple lamps to choose from. Additionally, it will be placed in my office which stays around 80 degrees ambient temp. Thanks again!

03-13-03, 10:43 PM
Originally posted by Lasher
so were looking at lot of different snakes using the enclosure at one time or another (note most like to climb, but I have no Cook's boa or the like).

what do u mean by this statement???

03-13-03, 11:23 PM
if it is his office he may bring diffrent animals in, at diffrent times from his home to make a chnage in senary is what I understude any way.

03-14-03, 06:12 AM
Sounds like a great idea but you may want to use plexi, glass, and/or plywood for the sides and back of the cage.
Screen does not hold heat and humidity and may allow a little too much circulation.

03-14-03, 09:24 AM
Are you sure something 3' wide is gunna fit threw ur office door, or are you making it in ur office??

03-14-03, 12:32 PM
yeah i have to make all my cages 2 1/2' wide so it will fit through my doors.

03-14-03, 09:17 PM
I meant that I don't have any snakes that stay in the trees all the time, but most like to climb...
You guys are right, It wont fit through the door. I assembeled the frame supports and base today and will have to assemble them in the office. Anyone got some creative ideas? Where is a good place to buy a fake tree? I have looked @ Wal-mart and all they have contain too many leaves and just wouldn't look right. I am thinking of sawing down a dead tree, steralizing it, and building my own.

03-15-03, 04:44 PM
I usually pick up stickes and rocks and disinfect them but i dont know about doin that to a tree. I think you should just find a fake tree for the safty of your herps.
thats just how i feel,

03-30-03, 12:52 AM
You might be able to find a fake tree at a thrift store Or you could just but the one from wal mart and pull some of the leaves off.

03-31-03, 08:26 PM
yeah that's what i say too...just get one from wallmart then strip the thing of all its leaves...and roots if you want it dead. then just plant it like a regualr tree...it'll die in time and you'll end up with a nice dead branchy tree..that's what i did for one of my prof's reptile room.

04-01-03, 03:27 PM
as far as your "landscape" design, im currently building a large terrarium and for my landscape i used 2" styrafoam sheeting which i cut to look like a rock out cropping that i incorperated allover inside, and coated the landscape with joint compound, then painted a base dark color,followed by some sponge applied lighter earth tones and finally 4 coats of fiberglass resin. i must say i am very pleased with my creation, maybe it will inspire you to give it a try!