View Full Version : does anyone keep centipedes?

03-12-03, 10:33 PM
or am i the only one. i have a red feathertail (allipes sp.) and and a giant north american (scolopendra heros)

03-12-03, 10:35 PM
Incase no1 here has any i'm pretty sure PCPC or a Superpet would have that kinda stuff.

03-13-03, 10:21 PM
I have been SEARCHING for a cent.! I can't find them anywhere, besides the $7 scolopendra subspines from ontario that would cost $75 to ship... ARGH! thats too much for such a little thing :D
Know of any near BC?
Dan Conner

03-14-03, 04:30 PM
Where is the $7 S. subspines? I'm in Ontario.

03-15-03, 10:04 AM
A good person to buy from is Robert he is member arachnomania.

He was able to get me Vietmanese Centipedes (Scolopendra Suspinipes )for $7 each and shipping was real cheap. He is is Montreal.

Or check out www.petbugs.com for info and he also has a classified add there. He mainly deals in Scorps and Tarantulas but can get others..just ask

Superpet will not deal with centipedes. And I do not recall ever seeing them at PCPC

I hope this helps:D

03-15-03, 11:59 AM
Yeah, Arachnomania... sorry, montreal not toronto... lol, whoops
Dan Conner

03-16-03, 01:28 AM
YAY!! finally some centipede dudes!!! well its not like i keep a lot of them but i just happen to see them all the time (i'm from malaysia/singapore) when i go for a trek. i don't know what species i have i just collect them hee.hee..
my first centipede was found in the pocket of my jacket when i tried to wash it after a night of camping. its now abt. 30 cm long...
the other one i have is blue and almost hairy...found it in the drainage...hahahahaha...anyway...i'll try to take some pics and find the names....how do you breed them anyways? are there even breeders?

03-16-03, 07:26 AM
It is a good idea to find out what species you have.

The Vietmanese Centipede actually has a human death attributed to it. The bite is very painful and many have said it is worse then a HOT snake bite.

03-16-03, 10:05 AM
i am still trying to figure out how to sex them, let alone get them to mate

03-16-03, 11:44 AM
well..i've been doing a little research on the kinds of centipedes i have and apprently i have come down to 2 conclusions...the big one is either a scolopendra subspinipes or a scolopendra gigantea...either way...they quite venomous....i remember a similar species tagging my friend in the *** (right on the cheeks) when we were out camping another time...he was in a LOT of pain...we kill the centi but his fangs were stuck in his cheek meet so we had to do a night "operation" looking at his *** with torchlights to remove them. We also called the rangers and my friend was immediately sent to the hospital...the message...DON'T GET TAGGED!!! according to my friend..only his hair was not in pain...i presume the venom would have spread alot faster if it was not a bite on his ***...anyway..still trying to figure out what my other blue "hariy"one is.
As for sexing...i asked my grandma who has live in litte kampong huts when she was small and seen thousands of them...she said something abt comparing the molts or legs?? not too sure...but i'll need to get more centipedes to figure this out..:) maybe i'll go collecting soon...hee.hee:)

03-16-03, 11:55 AM
Try www.arachnopets.com and go into the forums. It is set up the same was as this site but the people there deal with more Myriopods.

Try posting a few questions there.

Hope this helps

Tim and Julie B
04-01-03, 05:46 PM
A friend of mine has blue one for sale. It was supposed to be a Tanzanien but I think it's from Florida. It's so hard to tell until it gets bigger! They are cool but I don't know if I'ld keep one. I want more scorpions!