View Full Version : Green Iguana, pee in sleep

03-12-03, 02:58 PM
Hi! Hope everyones monsters are good.

I have a question.....

The other night Roxy fell asleep on her log and I walked by and said goodnight to her. :) Later I walked by again and noticed she had urinated in her sleep. This was in the middle of the night, and she was in a deep sleep. (well i think she was as she hadn't moved for hours and wouldnt respond to me calling her name)

I have never seen her do this.

I am somewhat worried also because normally she is heavily gravid at this time of year, or has already laid her eggs. This year she is showing no signs of being gravid, and certainly hasn't laid any eggs.

Does the pee in the night have anything to do with this?

She is eating like a monster, (at LEAST an entire bunch of collards to herself per day aside from the veggies)


03-13-03, 03:42 AM
I've never heard of this problem, but you know what they say about reptiles: when their daily routine changes or they are doing something off-color it's best to get them checked out by a vet. There could be underlying causes for both urinating and for not being gravid. Which brings me to my next question... how old is she? Well I hope she's okay... let us know what happens...

03-13-03, 05:30 AM
I've never known an ig to urinate while sleeping, so I'd second Samba's advice just to make sure things are okay.

As far as not being gravid, that might not be a big deal so try not to worry, okay? Captive reptiles just don't get all the temperature, humidity and light cycle changes that their wild cousins do and so their cycles aren't always regular. Plus female iguanas don't have all that regular ovulation cycles anyway. Sometimes they need males around to trigger ovulation.