View Full Version : Surinam Boa

03-12-03, 12:59 PM
i have a question!! (i'm proud of myself)

is a surinam red tail more or less expensive than a peruvian red tail, and do they have the same housing requirements?

03-12-03, 01:10 PM
Hi, from what I've seen peruvians are a tad bit more expensive than surinams. Their Housing requiremens are exactly the same.

03-12-03, 06:15 PM
Peruvian and Suris are extremely variable in price, hence one cannnot be more expensive than the other. Suris tend to have a lower starting range. Some variables in the determined price include, but are not limited to, age, breeding history, origin, colour, and pattern. They have similar housing requirements. Hope this helped :)

03-12-03, 11:59 PM
Peruvians are more expensive, Trust me I've been looking

03-13-03, 10:11 AM
so, is 250 a good price for a peruvian?

03-13-03, 12:45 PM
American I assume! Ya but always remember "you get what you pay for" make sure it is healthy, eating, cb, etc! it may be just a sweet deal!
You got a pic of it?

03-13-03, 12:47 PM
forgive my ignorance, but what does 'cb' mean? is that 'captive bred'??

if it's not captive bred, is there a better chance of disease or something?

03-13-03, 06:38 PM
if its not cb (captive bred) it is Wc (wildcaught). wildcaughts are for more experienced keepers or at least keepers with lots of patience and guts! A wildcaught boa is more likely to be aggressive, full of parasites (internal and external), and may also be more stubborn a feeder! (I've had a wc go off feed for around 8-9 months! its not fun!!)
Cb are the opposite!

03-14-03, 08:47 AM
As I said, both Peruvians and Suris are extremely variable in price, so I cannot say if that price is very good for the animal without seeing a pic. They typically don't go for much below $250 however.

CB= Captive Born; this animal would be from a female that had been imported gravid, or just captured until she was dropped then released or used for other purposes; many diseases/parasites can be passed down from mother to neonate, and since WC animals are full of such delights, you need to excercise caution.

CBB= Captive Bred and Born; just as the title says. This is your best bet as far as health goes, lowest risk for disease and parasites.

WC= Wild Caught; this animal was taken from the wild; can be difficult to acclimate (may not feed, may be very agressive, etc), needs to be treated for a number of parasites, and may possibly be carrying disease as well.

03-14-03, 10:33 AM
Linds, let me just thank you for all the information, it is very useful. Other than just asking the clerk at the store that I purchased my snake from, how can I tell if my snake is CBB or CB (I am pretty sure that he is not wild caught because he is very tame and feeds quite well, not to mention that he is just a wee baby...if that means anything)?
Also, how do I check my babies for parasites? Do I just take them to the vet?

I will work on getting a picture uploaded. He is very light in color, and the tale has brilliantly contrasting red and white... he is gorgeous...